I hate food

I hate food


I think I have an eating disorder. I have always been a poor eater since I was a child. But things escalated in high school. I had braces/dentures and found it difficult to live on the githeri-daily diet. I also have an undiagnosed stomach issue that made my stomach grumble/hurt after meals. 

Dad refused to organize a special diet letter for me. Luckily I got it my own way, a form 4 friend helped me out. In form 2 I was eating at the Special Table. Rice beans cabbage every meal. The Table was for all forms. But when I was in form 2, the head of the table was an equitable form 4. He made sure everyone with the letter got enough before giving to his friends.

When he left the following year, everything turned to shit. The new heads were cruel. He would give only the form fours even those that didn’t have letters. The rest of us would get the bare minimum, if any. One of the heads made sure I was never going to get my share. What hurt most was this. Not only was this motherfucker my bed mate, he was also named Dennis like me.

My fourth year was worse. I was being denied food by my classmates. Friends. That we have been thro even primary school together.

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