Luna ♡

I was dancing in the rain while you were over there watching me. Throwing the best smile as I could through the sky as the sky gave me their tears from behind the clouds. I was there that night, filling the silence of the dark with my laugh while you're watching me from the other side of the rain. I just go round and round and round and without I'm realizing that I'm alone by myself.

I was scared, I'm so lost. That without realizing something as beautiful as rain can let me slips from my consciousness as I just forget that I'm actually have someone when I'm entering the storm. But I remember that loneliness is my best friend, they always be there for me whenever I am. And it's getting scarier when I know I don't have anyone else around me right now, in the darkness, alone.

I knew somehow this is just my unfortunate fate that I was never born without loneliness in the first place. I know I couldn't get enough with myself as I savored every piece that I have left while deep inside I realize there's not enough pieces to fill me up. I'm tired, for giving it to people who actually didn't appreciate it at all.

I'm just tired, can I get some sleep right now? Please? It won't be long, I just want to take some breath for myself, thank you.

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