

Odilova Zuhra

 The Use of " the "

I lost my ring . The ring was valuable for me as i inherited it from my grandma.

I bought gifts for u from abroad. The gifts contain chocolate, suinier .....

When i accidentally glanced at he sun , my eyes instantly closed.

Look at the sky , the start has just fell .

When he was watching the most emotional scene of The Titanic , tears started to fall from his eyes.

The Wit is special for people who want to have a nice view of sea .

The Globe is the best option bc it has a reasonable price.

The Louvre is so infinitive that he could hardly menage to observe it partially .

The times is so absorbing for the old and the young alike .

The Phenom is the most convinient magazine to find the best columns concerning the jobs.

The Titanic was distinctly giant.

After venturing to The Alps , he never returned back home.

Bofore going to The sahara desert , he brought a tremendous stock of water with him.

The Atlantic covers nearly 20 persent of the world .

The panama canal was closed for some days.

The sunshine kids is an organization helping children who suffer from cancer.

He was supposed to go The united kingdom for work reasons , but the expedition canceled.

The cat was sitting on the sill of window and moewing .

Many years ago , the walts used to be dance that everybody obliged to know.

The Smiths were killed yesterday.

The japaese sushi has own unique taste .

The Africans can barely sustain their damilies.

The king wanted to grant his daughter fot the first person who enters from the arch.

Most visitors complain about a service .

In the morning , letter deliverer brought a letter .

In The prehistorical years, people were sustaining family only with prey capturing ..

He devoted The last years in his life for adjusting his attitude towards his enemies.


Sheep were controlled by Shepherd.

Laura knows your secrets.

Tennis is famous mostly among girls.

He exlained the main hints of Pung.

Monday is a day when i am lazy even to stand.

He planned beforehand to buy a gift fir The mother's day.

Yellow is his favoutite colour that lightens his mood.

Coffee contains coffein that gives enerygy.

Fast food is a main reason of obesity.

Chinese is considered as the most difficuly language to learn.

To fulfill his girlfriend's dream , he bought ticket to Italy .

Paris is poppular with its eiffil tower.

Bakery street is covered with gyspies.

Old town square will be buzzing with tourists even in the morning .

Goolden Gate bridge has been recently graded.

Yellowstone national park is popular with its natural deep eruption.

He said his last farewell in Grant center Terminal (railway statio) .

Tge top of Everest mountain was so amazing , that i felt like we were close to heaven.

Everyday she visited to the hospital to see if her mother recovered even to a small degree .

Stewarddesses should move gracefully in plane.

It is obvious that he is dillegent ,as he has stayed at work overnight in order to fullfill it.

He kept tepeating :"It is my guilt"

Europe is the most modernized continent.

Pirates found treasure in Great bear lake .

He had a property in Paradise(island)

Elizabetth 1 established Windsor castle .

Dave's pub was destroyed by thugs who requested him to hive money.

Mother is doing household chores at home.

He prefers traveling by bus in company rather that by taxi in private.

Having had measles , everyone started to avoid him .

I am lying under the sun in the beach in order to have tans.

Dog pined to death waiting to his owner in the station where his owner abandined him .

They say in the back row of the cinema gossiping about their bf.

Having watched the tragetic scene , everyone was about to cry in the theatre .

Living in the countryside can be protective fot health , at the other end of the scale it is not convinient.

The courpe was found by the coast.

After returning from space , he could hardly walk on the ground.

Roaming in the jungle , he found out many strange unprecedrnted creatures.

They had their angagement affair in the seaside.

The weather was so changeble today , it completely thwarded my daily plans .

Television contributed in the process of destortion of people's comunication.

Doublessly , His favourite season is winter .

The poor were assisted with clothes.

The young are being itovided with learning facilities .

The rich govern the world .

The quantity of The sick inceased sharply after epidemic.

The injured were left in order not to postpone the date of war.

The unemoloyement level is high in rural areas.

The Homeless seek food wandering the street .

The disabled are given money to survive.

The old gradually become conservative .

The dead were all buried in one area after war had come to an end.

The blind usually rely o their immediate families to do sth.

The deaf use devices that helps to recover the hearing ability to a small degree though .

A/ The dog is loyal creature.

Koalas are sleepy animsls.

Word Formation

Self-assertion is antithesis of self- surrender.

Being antisocial only brings contempt.

Biannual travel mountains is adiquate for your health.

Bilingualism gives you more prospects of promotion at work.

Patient's Co-operation with hypmosis is required to bring back lost memories.

Co-driver tought his partner some tecniques of driving.

Having seen his ex- girlfriend , he gasped and tried to hide.

She always compares her ex-boyfriend with new ones.

Interdependent relationship is needed to have solid entity with your significant other.

We inherited International customes from our descendents .

Children's misbehaving should not be disregarded.

Becouse of misunderstanting with her gf, they broke down.

Monolingual deprive you from many opportunities in order to find a job.

Monorail are being put in motion in many modern countries.

Multinational counties are appeared because of war.

He wasted a great deal of his fortune for a multiparty .

After non-stop studies, eventually , they could produce more convinient version.

He prefer non-fiction books because he doesnt believe in a miracle.

After long-term war , the women outnumber the men.

After he had overslept , he missed the meeting.

Chatting with her friend, she overcooked the meal.

His boss postdated the term of returning his debt ,after he begged to give a chance .

Postponing to take responsibility prevent you from being independent.

Environtment was plain in prehistoric ares .

He decided to prearrage because of some circumstances.

He revieved support from pro- governments .

Infant reptoduced his mother's words.

Recalling past memories with his friend, he cried.

Semi-final victory does not mean that victory is that person.

Semicycle is 180°.

Submarine instantly emerged from the sea , when enemy thought that they were winner.

Mexica is located in subtropic zone.

Witches believed as a women who have supernatural power.

Pyramids are believed as a superhuman work.

Transition from the poor to the rich is not instant process.

Transport can facilitate our life .

The japanese restaurants' menus are mostly contains undercooked meal.

The patron of advertisement is mainly underaged people.

His mother always yells him to deftost water before drinking .

He lost his consciousness seeing decomposed body .

If you dont want to encounter failure , be away from dishonest person.

You should concuer your discomfort among unfimaliar people .

Being independent gives you a lot of facilities to create your own stlye.

If you want not to fail , dont be innattentive in your way.

Many prefer buying in illegal way because getting gun illegally is much easier.

He never rely on illogical ideas.

Immoral deeds are absorbed easier compared to moral ones.

Our parents are irreplacible existances.

After war , unemployment rate increased.

Neglecting one's parents is unnacceptable deed.

a new teacher easily got alone with studenta and could find a way to their heart.

He pretended a beggar to test his girlfriend's kindness.

One member of executive let him become participant of contest.

Being a refusal to rutern abuse is not always an accurate decision.

Parent's acceptance to their children's own decisions will support them.

Realisition of geniune sense of difficulty is gradual process .

The wreckage of the ship was found in the sea.

Difference between love and being loved is very big.

This novel need some revisions to be established for the public bc there are a lot of omissions.

He shook her head in amazement .

Babies have no comprehension of the problem .

Hypnosises have a flair to manipulate people .

The background describtion is so vivid in books that you feel like you are in that situation .

Televion broadcasts should show thw importance of eating healthy inorder to prevent the problem.

People usually panic in an emergency .

He accidenyly swore in his father's presence .

Loneliness may raise the risk of a heart attack.

Loyalty of dogs is unmatched.

Difficulties make us strong and durable.

Your love towards him is visible.

He showed that the columns are reliable for the building .

The most effective way to manage to do all your task is to note all of your tasks beforehand.

The letter delivered from the military lighten his mother's face.

He emphesized how bad it is to make fun of disabled people.

It doesnt nessesarily mean that famous people must be happy.

Additional to his idea, it not only immoral but also dangerous too.

He strugged herotically against the enemy till his death .

Explosive devices should not be allowed even to hold for children .

Being carefull with children is very significant .

Hopelessly , he commited suicide .

He should be nourished with only healthy food .

He treated his enemies favourably despite their contempts.

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