

Odilova Zuhra

1 . Be after your dreams.

Being after your goal doesnt mean you wont have any obstacles.

Many people were against the new taxes.

The Vegetarian are always against the eatting of animals.

Look two boys are dighting . They are in for killing each other.

The capitan we lack equipment , and as for me we are in for defeat.

After her broke up , she is off dating with boys.

He was off cimputer games after consecutive defeats .

Jack is off today , please someone visit jack's and inform whether he has a problem or nope.

Ohhh what happened , you were off yesterday.

Ohhh dont turn off , there is my favorite movie on Tv.

Ohhh dont look there is inapproprite scene for your age on at the cinema.

Ohhh we are run out of egg for cake , cake you bring it from a short drive market .

Ohh how we go further , we are run out of petrol.

After a divorce , all conflicts between she and her husband were over .

Believe one day , all dufficulties will be over, amd you will be smiling again.

Learn from your bro , He was up and doing hw while you were sleeping.

Oh he is the most deligent person i have ever met , he was up in the office and doing his work.

Even though i have recently bought this phone , it broke down.

Her daughter broke down when she was aware of her mother's death.

The police broke into house to find the hidden robber.

While they were having their wedding affair , the bride's ex- boyfriend broke in it.

After the sudden climate changes , the famine broke out .

Peoople broke out the buildig when it was informed that there were a bomb.

Its impossible to believe that such a sweet couple broke up .

The children were unhappy again when school holidays broke up.

2. His revenge for boys was broken about by his ex- boyfriend .

His determination was broken about by his parent's encouragement.

Everyone estonished when the guy who bring foward many profitable ideas was too young.

Majority ideas were brought foward in a field of a new light railway.

His emergence in my life brought on misfortune for me.

His disability brought on many obstaces in the way of finding a job.

When his first novel was brought out , he was only 16.

When gucci brings out a new brand , jacky for sure will be around the shop of gucci.

He always trys to bring me round with his stupid lies.

Even though i tried to bring my mother round to my plans , she didnt understand me.

You should be quite cautious in the process of bringing up your child.

Even he brought up the diffliculties of an expedition , we didnt quit venturing.

Dont call me back , dont wanna listen your fake words .

I will call back as soon as i finish my household chores .

This project calls for the young girls to appeal visitors.

This expedition calls for the sunior staff.

The long term travel was called off due to some circumstances.

The picnic was called off due to bad weather.

He called out help as loud as possible when he was lost in the forest.

If you will have a problem , call out me , i will be there in a secound .

A fan was carried away when he saw his favourite singer in the real life.

He was carried away when he got a promotion at work .

If you carry off your duty , i will buy you whatever you want.

Having carried off his prime task in life , he was ready to leave this world.

He carried on his dream despite the strain.

If you carry on your determined way, at least you will be somehow closer it .

The long term expririence that carried out by scholars demonstrated that public transpprt is more efficient than cars.

Your dreams will be carried out if you strongly believe it.

3. It is fate that we came across with each other in the place where we' ve firstly met each other.

Ohh i came across with your old friend , he told me to give you her regards.

It was awkward , while i was singing a song , my friend came along .

He quickly changed his style when his ex-girlfriend came along.

Every girl was in envy when she came by perfect ring .

U dunno how tough it is to come by a promotion at work.

It is too late to cure him . He has already come down with high- grade cancer.

Desprately he sold his house , when his brother came down with unprecedented illness .

Resentfully he changed the will when his little brother should have come into more fortune than him.

As a single girl , she came into her mother's all precious stones.

The mission came off , thus the boss treated everyone with free beer.

Runaway plan didnt come off bc of some traitors.

When his lies come out , hoplessly he commited suicide.

His lines come out and she promised herself not to forgive and believe him in any way.

If you wanna borrow a book , come over our library.

Come over our feast if you he havent had your breakdast yet.

Come round everyday to ancient building zones where are full of tourists , and it is helpfull fir you to improve your english skill by communicating with them.

He eventually camed round his mindset in a better way.

The sunior staff came up the problem of junior one.

Come up the main problems of company and start your suggestions.

Never be afraid of making mistakes , bc when you comr up against it again , you know how to deal with it.

When you come up against obstacles , never rely on anyone , always try to concuer it on your own.

After giving a hint , he made us come up with a precise answer .

He said to his apprentise not to teach him if he wouldnt come up with a correct answer.

You should cut down the amount of money you give to your child on a daily basis .

Cutting down the amout of sleep may cause serious heath problems.

You should cut down on the amount of chocolate you eat in order to have more muscles .

He was briefly obliged cut down on the amount of junk food after operation.

His brother's loud music cut into his sweat dream.

His brother's incedent cut into his plans of traveling abroad.

Killer cut the wires of light in order to make jack immpossible to find him.

He cut off a cake to make it easier to eat.

He was cut out the contest because of his cheat.

He was cut out to be a member of cheif executive bc of his contemt towards consumers.

Do what you are cut out for.

Even though he was cut out for musical direction , he decided to be a doctor.

4.the government did away with slavery .

Finally the citivin did away with rebeletion after govrernment reduced an amount of taxes.

Dont forget to do up your belt before starting to drive.

She did up his make up quickly when his ex boyfriend came along .

I do with sleep after a tough toil .

She couldnt do without his significant other-husbant and pined to death.

Be brave, your life will go on even without your mother.

RWhile a train was drawing in , he saw his family waiting for his coming from militiry.

A car drew up and a bride came out the car .

Jacky drew in a will and left his all firtune only to his loyal slave.

An exotic artifact accidently fell apart when survent was sweeping tge floor.

Her brilliant neclace fell apart when a cat scratched her neck.

His son fell back on his mother again after he was run out of money for drugs.

He instantly fell for her when she firstly saw her.

Falling in with a person with whom you quarred in 3 days is good deed.

He fell out with parents bc they were against his boyfriend.


He shivered with cold in his thin cotton shirt.

Killer found the victom with the sound of a shiver.

Her mother's death came as a great shock .

An unexpected incident was a shock for him .

The rebel took over the capital and set up a new government.

The rebel concuered the rural area and were about to break into the urbon zone.

Hundreds of civilians were massacred in the raid.

Seeing million of massarced people created the feeling of revenge.

Thousands of troops have been stationed in the religion for several years.

The troop were brave enough to struggle with

the enemy being aware of their death.

I found the whole film very compelling.

He is cut out for being storytaler bc children always look forward his compelling stories.

He is the most powerful person inthe organization .

Knowlege is such a powerful tool that possesing it can diminish nearly all life problems.

I am quite good at tennis but i need to practice my serve.

Practicing leads you to infalliblity.

Both groups are wholeheartedly in favour of the changes.

It is tough dwsicion to choose one winner when the whole group members are wholeheartedly striving .

You habe a legal obligation to ensure your child recieves an education.

It is kinda parent's obligation to sacrifice theirselves for the betterment of their children .

The latest sales figures bear witness to the success of our advertising campaingn.

If have no evidence , you cant bear withness to your of his innocence.

A range of facilities unaqualled in London.

Though he was work-shy , his skill was unaqualled anyone's else .

The war will cause widespread human suffering.

At times suffering set the stage for the feeling of weakness , but at times suffering makes a person a stong one .

There was a lot of conflict between him and his father .

Having had a lot of conflicts , they ended in a divorce.

The perpetrator of the massacre must be brought to trail.

Parents should teach their children to avoid  perpetrators.

He was imprisoned for the brutal murder of a twelve tears old girl.

Brutal punishment shouldnt be given for children.


They were warned of the ecological catastrophe to come.

The period of a famine was fully catastrophe for plantation labourers .


Police are still looking for clues in their seach .

Knowledge is a clue for a success.

Your fate is now in the hands of the jury.

Its fate that i came accross you even in a big city.

Debris from the aircraft was scratted over a large area.

He wandered the forest searching for his lost daighter , he found the debris of her cloth.

The crates were unloaded onto the wharf.

The wharf was concuered by enemy because of one traitor.

A freighter was crushed to an iceberg.

A freighter was strained in the hurricane .

A collier was devastated by a strong wind .

The police found out that they were carring banned drugs instead of coal in a Collier.

The police broght forward some new evidence in the case.

We need to bring forward a new brand to appeal people .

The main reason the ship capsized was that it was top heavy.

A ship flipped over when he gave a pressure to the side of boat.

He flipped over the page when a teacher came near.

The child vanished while on her way home from school.

Several traditions are vanishing day by day.

I stopped en routevand got some wine.

While he was skipping en route , he twisted his leg.

Students need the ability to costruct a logical argument.

He had an outstanding logical thinking ability that impressed many.


He is a writer, politician ,musician and athlete - a real renaissanse man. 

A renaissanse man have a highter prospect to get a well paid job.

Getting the two leaders to sign a peace treaty was his greatest accomplishment.

An accomplishment is a harvest of hard working.

The most important human endeavor is tge striving for moralty in our actions.

Being optimist is one of the human endeavors.

He was a very great actor , we wont see his like again.

Tge king ordered to find his like in order to expoit ( use ) him as a toy.

His clothes were artfully arrangedto look stylishly casual .

He prefer wearing casual clothes rather than formal ones.

The patron of the arts cant image tgeir life without any art pattern.

The patron of the arts are usually emotional people.

She has an exquisite taste.

This painting impressed many with its exquisite vesion.

The unions assured the new owners of the workers' loyalty to the company.

He went to extremes to assure his true love towards her.

An obscure island in the Pacific.

Even chocolate is obscure for majority of africans.

The sculptor supervised the placement of the newest sculpture in the garden.

Scuptor made the statue of  his own shape.

___birinchi kop istedotli inson

Kop talantli odam atamasi geniy deonardo da vinci tasvirlovchi ibora kash qilgan. U inson say harakatining kop sohalarida kopgina erishishlar sohibi qaysiki inson tarixida juda kam korilgan. Sanat homiysi uning "otgan gioconda" rasmi chizgan inson nomida biladi koproq Mona lisa nomi bilan chaqirikgan. Va nozik "otgan ovqat" i bn qaysiki Milan monastrligida obqatlanish zalining zalida chizilgan. Yolgiz bu rasm uni mashhur sanatkor sifatida davom etishini kafolatlagan , ammo ular uni haykalshunos , arxitektor va sanat odami bolganini bolganini berkitmaslik kerak, kimki tabiy va jismoniy ilm , matekatika , mehanika, injenerlikka jiddiy tekshirishlar qilgan. Uchadigan mashinalae mukammallashtirishidan 300 yildan koproq oldin , leonardo samalot va vertalyotning prototipnini planini oylab topgan. Uning inson anatomiyasining bepoyon izlanishlari anatomik rasmlarda ifodalangan edi, qaysiki kop istedotli odamning muhim erishishlari bolgan. Uning odam tanasining chizishni ilm qidiruvlari va korsatuv vositasi qilgan , va zomonaviy ilmiy namunalar asoaiy qonunlar bn taminlagan.

____ijodiy yozish

Ijodiy yozish atamasi tasavvuriy yozishni anglatadi , yoki sanat kabi yozish. Ijodiy yozishning eng muhim bogliqligi fakt malumoti emas. U bu qobiliyatlardan foydalanishiga qaramay. Masalan roman jamiyatshunos , sisosatit va psixologik malumotlardan tashkil topgan bolishi mumkin. Olimlar bu malumotlarni organishlari mumkin Sigmund Freud literatirani orzular va emotsional holatlar tasviri uchun organgani kabi. Hech haqiwiy roman shunday bolsada faktlarni yetkazish uchun yozilmagan . Boshqa yozish shakllari kabi chiroyli tassurotning zavqini oquvchida yetishtirishga harakat qiladi . U sevgining , nafratning , zoravonlik , zerarlilik , odat sarosimasi va vaxshiy faktlar qaysiki odamlar har kuni ishlashi kk, romanchi va hikoyachi john cheever nimaga yozishi soralganda , aytgan , Hayotimning manosini chiqarishga harakat wilish uchun . Bu sheriy , kalta hikoya , roman , spektakl , shaxsiy bayon shaklini oladi , yoki daje tarjimai hol yoki tarixi imi , ijodiy yozish mano , hayrat eyori va kashfiyotga izlanishni taqazo etishi aniq va shaxsiy qatnashish darajasi natijada. 

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