Hunter x Hunter

Hunter x Hunter




A Hunter is one who travels the world doing all sorts of dangerous tasks. From capturing criminals to searching deep within uncharted lands for any lost treasures. Gon is a young boy whose father disappeared long ago, being a Hunter. He believes if he could also follow his father's path, he could one day reunite with him.
After becoming 12, Gon leaves his home and takes on the task of entering the Hunter exam, notorious for its low success rate and high probability of death to become an official Hunter. He befriends the revenge-driven Kurapika, the doctor-to-be Leorio and the rebellious ex-assassin Killua in the exam, with their friendship prevailing throughout the many trials and threats they come upon taking on the dangerous career of a Hunter. Based on the manga by Togashi Yoshihiro.

Main Characters:

Gon Freecss

🇯🇵 ゴン=フリークス

Character ID: 30

About Character and Role:

Height: 154 cm
Weight: 49 kg
Hair Color: Greenish black
Eye Color: Brown
Blood Type: B
Occupation: Hunter
Nen Type: Enhancement

Gon is the son of Ging Freecss, a legendary hunter whose current whereabouts are unknown. He never knew his father was alive, much less a hunter until he met Kite; a hunter who was also looking for Ging. From this point on, he became determined to find his father and decided to take the Hunter exam to do so. He became friends with Killua almost instantly when they met at the Hunter exam. Gon's an innocent and naive boy who is willing to help anyone, especially his friends. He rarely ever looks at anything in a bad way. His curious and naive personality often frustrates his friends, but this is also the reason why many people are attracted to him. He is also from the enhancement nen group. He usually fights barehanded or with his fishing rod, but Gon's fist is usually more deadly than any weapon.

Gon's Abilities

Jajanken (ジャジャン拳)
-Rock (グー Gū)
Type: Enhancement
Rock is a close ranged attack, and has the highest power out of Gon's three Jajanken attacks, owing to his natural affinity for Enhancement. To perform it, Gon focuses aura in his fist with Ko, chanting as he readies the attack. If he has time to build up his Ren, the punch will be even more powerful. Rock is stronger than a normal Ko punch. According to Knuckle, this is because Gon takes risks by charging the attack and lowering his defenses, which leads to his aura output being increased for the duration of the ability. Gon was able to knock out Knuckle with this attack, despite the latter using Ko to defend himself, and also to send Hollow flying off into the distance (all the way to NGL, according to him). When gathering all his anger at Neferpitou, Gon was able to summon such a great amount of aura that Morel, the target of the ability, broke out in a cold sweat, later causing Gon to apologize because he thought the attack could kill him.

-Scissors (チー Chī)
Type: Transmutation
Scissors, Gon's mid-ranged Jajanken attack, requires him to transmute his aura into a long blade which he extends from his outstretched middle and pointer fingers. With the advantage of surprise, it was able to cut through a defense that had been estimated to be able to counter Rock.

-Paper (パー Pā)
Type: Emission
Paper is Gon's long-ranged Jajanken attack. He uses his Emission skills to hurl aura from his open palm as a spherical projectile. Due to Gon being an Enhancer and Paper requiring Emission, a different Nen type, it has less than one-fourth of the power of Rock, despite the two abilities consuming the same amount of aura, although it can still pose a threat to less skilled Nen users. This ability can be useful for pincer type attacks.

Limitation Transformation
Type: Unknown
By forming a Vow in a condition of immense emotional distress, Gon was able to summon "all the power [he]'ll ever have", growing to an age where he could defeat Neferpitou. His physical strength, Nen abilities, aura output and aura reserves increased immensely, to the point that the Royal Guard feared he might pose a threat to Meruem himself. Upon seeing him, Killua deduced it would normally take decades of training to reach that level of power. His heightened speed and reflexes allowed him to easily dodge Neferpitou's Terpsichora which pushed them beyond their limit. While in this state, Gon's single Ko kick was capable of throwing Neferpitou dozens of meters into the air, causing them to cough out blood, whereas they were left unscathed by Isaac Netero's attack. His first Jajanken blasted Neferpitou up the side of a hill and caused them to lose consciousness, although a few more were necessary to finally kill them.
However, the price to pay was as great as the boost. Neferpitou guessed the ability had been possible only because an extraordinarily gifted individual willingly threw away his predisposition and compressed his life, predicting that Gon would never be able to utilize Nen again in the future. After the Royal Guard's death, Gon returned to his normal body and fell into a coma. His body soon started to decay, requiring constant life support, and he would have eventually died if not for Nanika's intervention. Despite making a full recovery, Gon remained unable to see and use aura. According to his father, he simply "went back to normal", and should count himself lucky for getting off relatively scot-free. Going off Killua's fear that the more aura Gon used in that state, the harsher the backlash would be, it is possible that the transformation, on top of depriving Gon of the ability to use Nen, did not require his death per se, but that it shaved away a portion of his lifespan commensurate to the amount of power that Gon utilized while transformed. The repercussions are so severe that Illumi described Gon's Vow as being "worse than death", and Killua was confident any Exorcist would die on the spot trying to dispel it. His belief proved founded when the Hunter Association's only official Exorcist confirmed there was nothing she could do.

It is unknown what Nen types are involved in this ability. Bill's Erigeron similarly entails the stimulation of growth and the increase of aura reserves, so it might be possible to speculate that Gon's transformation is an extreme form of Enhancement.

Killua Zoldyck

🇯🇵 キルア=ゾルディック

Character ID: 27

About Character and Role:

Height: 158 cm
Weight: 45-47.5 kg
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Deep teal (1999), Royal blue (2011)
Blood Type: A
Occupation: Assassin, Hunter
Nen Type: Transmutation

Killua is a member of the Zoldyck family, who are all legendary assassins. Since birth, he trained endlessly in the art of assassination. He eventually ran away from his family and profession to participate in the Hunter exam. He befriended Gon almost immediately and has loyally followed him since then. Killua is usually a kind-hearted and playful boy, but once provoked he becomes extremely violent and bloodthirsty. This seems to be a trait he got from his father, who believes that Killua would eventually return home as an assassin. He is also a transmuter and constantly strives to improve his nen ability, developing many interesting techniques as the show progresses.

Killua's Abilities

Lightning Palm (雷掌 Izutsushi)
Type: Transmutation
The first ability Killua named, as well as the most basic one in his arsenal, consists in him electrocuting his opponent by touching them with both palms and pushing them back. The first and only time this Nen ability was used, it barely seared Sub's sweater, but hurt and stunned him for a few seconds.

Thunderbolt (落雷 Narukami)
Type: Transmutation
Killua leaps into the air above the opponent and projects a bolt of lightning from his fingers, paralyzing them for a few moments and causing them pain. Although the ability was unable to inflict any visible damage to Rammot even before the latter learned Nen, it succeeded in stunning Menthuthuyoupi. On both occasions, Thunderbolt was utilized to allow an ally to strike the opponent while they were vulnerable.

Godspeed (神速 Kanmuru)

  • Whirlwind (疾風迅雷 Shippū Jinrai)
    Type: Transmutation
    The first core function of Godspeed has Killua react automatically to external stimuli. Instead of the normal process of the stimulus being perceived by the nerves, which transmit a signal to the brain which in turn sends an instruction to the muscles, Killua programs his aura to send an electric signal to his muscles so as to instantly react to a threat, bypassing the comparatively slow nervous system. The aura can be preprogrammed to respond to different stimuli: physical contact, malevolent intent in enemy aura, or someone stepping in a predetermined perimeter, and the specific response is preprogrammed as well.
    Concretely, this results in a drastic boost to Killua's reaction time, which has both offensive and defensive uses. When Killua used a prototype of this ability, he was able to grab a dart between the instant it was conjured, already in contact with his skin, and the moment it punctured it. Whirlwind is also effective as an offensive ability. If the opponent executes the action Killua has preprogrammed a response for, he will, in most cases, be able to land an attack before they can, thanks to both his reaction and his movement speed being drastically enhanced. When he used this application of Godspeed against Menthuthuyoupi, Killua was able to momentarily disappear from his sight, and struck him several times without the latter being able to do anything, the short lapse between the Royal Guard's aura surging and him taking any action being enough for Killua to preempt any move his adversary could make. Youpi himself admitted to being completely powerless throughout the beating. On that occasion, despite his attacks inflicting no damage at all, Killua's electricity proved powerful enough to elicit screams of pain out of Youpi, as well as to paralyze him for a few instants. When he later used the same ability against Shaiapouf's clone, which is considerably swift in its own right, Killua was able to dodge its attacks with Komugi on his back, leading Pouf to fear that even with all his cells, he would have a hard time catching him, and then burn off its cells by generating an electric current between his fingers whenever it stepped into a circle he had drawn.
    Since giving an order to one's aura is generally a Manipulation skill, it is possible, albeit unconfirmed, that Whirlwind makes use of this Nen category.

  • Speed of Lightning (電光石火 Denkō Sekka)
    Type: Transmutation
    The second application of Godspeed allows Killua to retain conscious control of his movements. His running speed and jumping ability increase dramatically, hence why he uses it primarily to cover long distances in a very short amount of time. As a consequence, this core function is more affected than Whirlwind by the terrain: Tsubone was able to keep Killua in sight while he was running through the woods, but was shaken off as soon as he reached a paved road. However, even at full throttle, he was severely outsped by Tsubone's motorcycle transformation while she had two riders. The butler estimated that by crossing the woods, it would take Killua 10 minutes to reach a destination about 40km (approx. 24.8 mi.) away, whereas a car driver would take twice as long. This suggests that on unfavorable terrain, Killua's speed with Speed of Lightning is approximately 240km/h (about 149.1 mph). If he carries someone, they will suffer mild electric shocks as long as they are in contact with him.

(Source: Hunter x Hunter Wiki)


🇯🇵 クラピカ

Character ID: 28

About Character and Role:

Height: 171 cm
Weight: 59 kg
Zodiac: Aries
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue (1999); Brown (manga & 2011); Scarlet (when angered)
Blood Type: AB
Nen Type: Conjuration, Specialist (When eyes are scarlet)
Abilities: Holy Chain, Dowsing Chain, Chain Jail, Judgment Chain

Kurapika is a member of the Kurta tribe who were massacred by the Phantom Troupe (The Spiders) 4 years prior the Hunter exam. The Kurta tribe was an isolated group of people whose eyes would turn scarlet when angered or excited. These scarlet eyes were known to be beautiful, being one of the seven most beautiful things in the world. Because of this, the Kurta tribe was constantly pursued and eventually massacred. The eyes of the tribe members were all taken away during the massacre. Kurapika is so far the only known survivor with a heart bent on revenge. He strives to have his revenge against the Phantom Troupe as well as to recover the eyes of his tribe members. Despite having a heart full of hatred, Kurapika is very kind and loyal towards his friends. He is an extremely intelligent person but at the same time reckless. Kurapika is from the conjuration nen group, but when his eyes turn scarlet he becomes a specialist. Kurapika can conjure a unique weapon — five chains that extend from each finger on his right hand. Some of the fingers were specially designed to deal vengeance on the Phantom Troupe. To increase his effectiveness against the formidable Phantom Troupe, Kurapika places strict Limitations on the usage of his chains.

Kurapika's Techniques

Holy Chain (癒す親指の鎖 ホーリーチェーン The Healing Thumb Chain)
Type: Conjuration and Enhancement
Shaped like a cross, it cures wounds by drawing from Enhancement abilities. When Kurapika is in his Specialist state, its ability is Enhanced and can heal serious injuries within seconds.
Chain Jail (束縛する中指の鎖 チェーンジェイル The Restraining Middle Finger Chain)
Type: Conjuration, Emission, and Manipulation
Shaped like a hook, it wraps around Spiders and restricts their movement. Also forcefully causes its prisoners to enter Zetsu, shutting off their aura and preventing the use of Nen abilities. Escape from the Chain Jail is only possible through brute force. Kurapika imposed a limitation onto this chain, it can only be used to deal with members of the Phantom Troupe. If this condition is violated, Kurapika will die. This condition was needed in order to increase the strength of the ability.
Dowsing Chain (導く薬指の鎖 ダウジングチェーン The Guiding Ring Finger Chain)
Type: Conjuration
Shaped like a ball and chain, Kurapika uses this frequently under normal situations, for defensive and offensive purposes. It is also useful for other investigative activities, like determining the location of missing individuals. He also uses this chain to identify if someone is lying. It has a small ball-like weight at the end which moves in the direction of whatever he is dowsing for.
Judgment Chain (律する小指の鎖 ジャッジメントチェーン The Arbiter Little Finger Chain)
Type: Conjuration, Emission, and Manipulation
​The Stake of Retribution, a blade on the end of the Judgment Chain, enters the victim's body and wraps around the heart. Kurapika sets two conditions and if the victim violates either one, the chain crushes the heart, killing them. It can only be used while Kurapika's eyes are scarlet. Kurapika himself has a blade wrapped around his heart, which he used to set the conditions of use for his Chain Jail ability.
Steal Chain (奪う人差し指の鎖スチールチェーン The Thieving Index Finger Chain)
Type : Conjuration
Shaped like a syringe, upon piercing the body of the target this chain drains their aura and steals one of their Nen abilities. While their aura is being drained, the target is forced into a state similar to Zetsu. The process appears to be very painful for them. The target is unable to use the stolen ability until it is returned to them. It is unknown if, aside from piercing the target with the chain, Kurapika must fulfill other conditions: thus far, he has stolen two abilities, one after the owner's Nen type had been revealed and the general mechanics of the ability explained, and another that was about to be used without any prior knowledge. The death of the original owner does not result in Kurapika losing possession of a stolen ability.

Emperor Time (絶対時間 エンペラータイム Absolute Mastery)
Type: Specialization
When Kurapika's eyes shift into scarlet, he changes from a Conjurer to a Specialist. This ability allows him to utilize all the types of Nen to 100% efficiency (for a Conjurer). In the manga, Kurapika explains this using the terms "Level" and "Force/Accuracy". Kurapika's "Levels" in the various Nen categories remain the same during Emperor Time, however, his Force and Accuracy for every category is raised to 100%. Thus, if Kurapika's Level in Conjuration were 10, his Level in Emission (the polar opposite aura type) would be 4, and during Emperor Time, he would be evenly matched against a Level 4 Emitter at 100%. Outside of Emperor Time, his Force and Accuracy in Emission would at most be only be 40%.

Leorio Paradinight

🇯🇵 レオリオ・パラディナイト

Character ID: 29

About Character and Role:

Gender: Male
Age: 19 - 21 (Current)
Height: 193 cm
Weight: 85 kg
Hair Color: Brown (1999), Black (2011)
Eye Color: Green (1999), Brown (2011)
Blood Type: O
Occupation: Hunter, Medical student
Nen Type: Emission

Prior to the hunter exam, Leorio's close friend died to a curable illness, and Leorio was unable to save him due to his lack of money and knowledge. Because of this. he aims to become a doctor in order to help those without the money to pay for treatment. In order to cover his tuition for medical school, he decides to take the hunter exam, where he meets Gon, Killua, and Kurapika. Leorio is also talented at bargaining, being able to haggle shopkeepers to no end. He often seems brash and rude, but overall he cares deeply for his friends. Leorio is an emitter, although learning nen did not come easily to him.

More Info:

Started On: 16/10/1999


• Nippon Animation

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