

<p><img src="https://imgp.golos.io/0x0/https://i.imgur.com/o5xbcr0.jpg" width="1024" height="1024"/></p>

<p><strong>Доброго времени суток, Голос!</strong></p>

<p>Катаетесь на мотоцикле? Может, когда-то катались? Что вы вообще знаете о мотоциклах? Опасно, травмы, громыхание, кататься негде, да и зачем? Хорошие вопросы! Они особенно актуальны, если вспомнить что сезон продолжается 3 месяца, и то с переменной облачностью, а потом везде снег! В общем, клубок противоречий из климата и стоимости владения пассивом превращают эту затею в сомнительную. </p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;Да, игрушка, но кого это колышет?! У всех свой вид медитаций - на моте она от концентрации. Думать о судьбах людских и глаголе сердце жгущем  не приходится на скорости в 120+кмч. Нет ну можно конечно, только опасно! &nbsp;It's a cleansing meditation of being concentrated. When you ride you concentrate a lot and, sometimes, toys can be profitable, cause it’s your passion and you know your business.<br>

<img src="https://imgp.golos.io/0x0/https://i.imgur.com/bJh3QSn.jpg" width="1280" height="960"/><br>


<p><em><strong>"ALWAYS DIY!!! DO NOT FEED DEALERSHIPS!!!!"</strong></em></p>

<p>I’ve been riding for 11 years, had 2 accidents (always wear full gear,guys. And buy goddamn ABS equipped), owned all the types of bikes:</p>

<p><strong>Sportbikes (Yamaha R6 ‘12)</strong></p>

<p><em>The most brutal bike ever owned, the most hated one. Pumped it and dumped it with 1000$ profit and zero regrets</em></p>


This bike was in a medium condition - already frame reworked bike (passenger sawed off) then I’ve ordered here some extra <a href="https://bluecollarbobbers.com//">stuff</a>.</p>

<p>Streetfighters (Honda CB600FA ‘08) – FUBARed in an accident. Thanks to the insurance, i've managed to cut the losses</p>

<p>Cruisers (Honda VT750) – The most reliable mechanism in the world, but it lacked some power. Sold with 600$ profit.</p>

<p>Dual-Purpose (Triumph Tiger 800XR’16) – smoothest, easiest bike ever ridden. How did they do this smooth. Aaah. It’s all about inline triple. I’ll tell about Triumph brand next post, tons of Triumphs deserve a worship! =)</p>

<p>And the favorite one – Yamaha Drag Star 1100</p>

<p>Even now, despite I’ve cut to the limit my legal road presence and moved to off road/tourism, sometimes, I run some “Wheeler Dealer”- style projects.</p>

<p>I was looking for a cheap, salvaged, dented crappy Yamaha V-Star 1100, wanted to customize it and keep it for myself. Fortune had smiled upon me.<br>

<img src="https://imgp.golos.io/0x0/https://i.imgur.com/c6Pj4Uu.jpg" width="1280" height="960"/><br>


<p><em><strong>I've had to paint the wheels and rebuild carburettors only.</strong></em></p>

<p>To paint a wheel you'll have to wash off the surface wheel surface and scratch(polish) it with sandpaper for 5 hours in a row (difficult surfaces + chrome = disaster) or the paint will dent after a single ride. And of course I'll take it to powder paint =)<br>

<img src="https://imgp.golos.io/0x0/https://i.imgur.com/CIWf5pu.jpg" width="960" height="1280"/><br>


<p><em>Lots of a paper duct tape, of course</em></p>

<p><strong>The result</strong></p>

<p><img src="https://imgp.golos.io/0x0/https://i.imgur.com/WvuWyQ5.jpg" width="1280" height="960"/><br>


<p><em>Looks way better, huh?</em></p>

<p>The final looks</p>

<p><img src="https://imgp.golos.io/0x0/https://i.imgur.com/7WXdg0u.jpg" width="1280" height="960"/></p>

<p><img src="https://imgp.golos.io/0x0/https://i.imgur.com/mg9pUp2.jpg" width="1280" height="960"/></p>


<p>Bike purchase - <strong>4500$</strong><br>

Carburettor repair kit - <strong>20$</strong><br>

Sandpaper - <strong>20$</strong><br>

Paint &amp; polish -<strong> 100$</strong> (powder would cost x2)<br>

Extra stuff - <strong>200$</strong><br>

Complete oil change (engine &amp; driveshaft) - <strong>100$</strong><br>

<strong>Total costs - 4916$</strong></p>

<p>Bike sold for <strong>6500$</strong></p>

<p><em><strong>Total profit 1500$</strong></em> for just wheels and fuel system. Already mounted bobber kit saved a lot of time</p>


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