How to

How to


How to:

-Increase your sales
-Get more followers
-Make a HUGE cultural impact

A master marketing thread

LETS GO [#1]

Good marketing is the combination of three very important things:

1 -> Clear Message (copywriting)
2 -> Hype & Anticipation
3 -> Reputation

This thread will cover the basics of all three, as well as further resources to help you CRUSH IT

First, we’ll start with [#2]


Copywriting is my expertise.

But what exactly is it?

Sales in print. Written persuasion.

It’s the art of convincing someone using nothing but words on a page.

It’s what makes your message clear.

Here’s some concepts to learn that will skyrocket your results: [#3]

Agreeable statements

Start your copy with a statement EVERYBODY can agree on.

Agreeable statements = Easy to read

Easy to read = more likely to read on

Do a few of these, and your prospect will be way into your copy, thinking

“I might as well finish reading it now” [#4]

Open Loops

Open a question in your prospects mind that they HAVE to answer

You can do it like


Short form.

Or you can open a big one (with this thread, the open loop is you wanna learn all three important things)

Again, this makes your prospects [#5]

more likely to read on.

And finally, make stuff short as fuck.

A good exercise to do is to fit your product/service offer into ONE SENTENCE

If you can’t do that?

Your messaging isn’t clear enough.

Also, with copy in general, shorten it as much as possible.

Now I’ll share [#6]

some resources to further help you:

- adweek copywriting handbook
- copywriters handbook
- cashvertising
- irresistible offer

some good follows are me, @FrazzleDazzzled & @abrasivisms

moving on now to [#7]


This ones all about emotions, novelty, and controversy.

Here are some concepts that will take your results to the moon: [#8]


A lazy mans way to emotional spikes.

Sinply align yourself with something your market ALREADY gets excited about.

I’m sure you’ve seen videos online that are compilations of movie scenes.

That’s association.

It gets people hyped as fuck, and adds authority. [#9]


People enjoy the chase of sex more than the actual sex.

People enjoy the journey more so than the results.

It’s EXACTLY the same with a product.

Your prospects journey towards a buy button should be an emotional rollercoaster, tease and spark their imagination. [#10]


Prod at the beliefs of your market, or even better, your markets enemy, and watch the talk build up.

Controversy keeps you on your prospects mind, it creates a buzz.

Now for $$$ all you gotta do is release a relevant offer while you have that buzz. [#11]

Some further resources to help you learn this are:

- 48 laws of power
- Fight / Wrestling Promos

Good follows are absolutely anybody in politics, particularly characters like the previous president. [#12]


This ones very easy:

- Social Proof

Reviews, good word of mouth.

- A good fuckin product

Word soon gets around town when you’re bad in bed, it’s the same with a product, don’t sell rubbish!

Speaking of good products... [#13]

I’m incredibly proud to present:

Kata’s Marketing Breakdown’s

If you liked the above?


Constantly updated super in depth marketing analysis’

I go into [#14]

every popular brand making big moves in the modern world, as well as psychological concepts as old as time.

No fancy shit.

My pure focus is to help YOU level up your marketing game.

Get it here for as little as £1 (bigger amounts greatly appreciated) [#15]

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You never know, this info could create something brilliant.

Peace and Love ♥️… [#16]

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