

When I heard first about the brutal murder of a young aspiring second year postgraduate pharmacy student on broad daylight at the same compound I stayed for about five years I was unable to comprehend of it. How could this happen?

First of all Would you all please stop with the victim blaming(typical of a patriarchal society). For what we know he is here, alive and breathing. And she is not. It could have been me, you, your sister or anyone else for that matter.

It doesn't matter whether it is a crime out of passion or a petty theft attempt. What matters is a precious life was lost at the place where she was supposed to be safe and protected. 

I just couldn't imagine the pain, agony, anger and frustration of the parents of the unfortunate young victim.

And from what I read from the police reports the building where the heinous crime occurred is what we used to label 'The CHS building ' or 'አዲሱ ህንፃ' back in school. The first two floors were occupied with administrative offices. The third to the seventh building were occupied with class rooms for other health sciences, pharmacy included. And there was a pharmacology lab at the fifth floor. 

So on the weekends mostly it is empty. And those of us who don't like to be distracted and who don't like the congestion of the library at the weekends' used to go there to study on those days. You just pick one of the class rooms, put your ear phones and immerse in your studies. It is a preferred place to study quietly.

We were pretty sure that the guards won't come up there and check the class rooms. And since the entrance to the building usually closes at 12 local day time what we fear is being locked in there. And yes, I have been locked in there two or three times. And I had to phone my friends to go out. But Never ever I have thought about being murder there or a murder to take place there.

I don't remember the exact time but three or four years back when the administrative offices moved from the old to the new building security cameras being installed there with a huge sum amount of money from the governments' account. Yet, two or three days back when the polices came to check up on them they are not functional( as I have read from the police reports). 

We all were aware of the looseness of the security in the compound. With my five year stay there I don't remember a day being asked for identification card at the gate of the compound. I could have carried a machine gun on my back pack and safely enter unchecked let alone a knife. But this isn't just about security problem. If this isn't Typical of any government institution of our country, I don't know what it is. Failed, Corrupted, unorganized, unsafe (especially to women) and just a building of bricks. 

Now you can imagine how unsafe the working environment is for health professionals.

Rest in peace dear! 

I hope your death would not remain in vain!


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