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Hospital Beds For Sale In Vermont


The Vermont 100 Endurance Race is one of the original 100 mile runs in the USA and a part of the Grand Slam Series of Ultrarunning. Each year, 300 runners attempt to finish this hilly race over beautiful Vermont back roads and trails under the 30 hour cutoff point, and a well-trained few finish in under 24 hours. The race proceeds support Vermont Adaptive. Thanks to All Our Charity Runners for 2015 We asked them a few questions about themselves and why they chose to fund How long have you been running ultramarathons and how many have you done (attempted, completed – whatever you want to tell us!)? You’ve chosen to raise money for Vermont Adaptive as a charity runner. What drove you to make this commitment? There’s nothing I like more than helping others through running – something I absolutely love to do. Everything comes out on the run. All of life’s problems seem to solve themselves on the long run. When I learned there were charity spots available, and that I could help the organization that really made an impression on me at last year’s event, it was an easy decision to sign up.

Also, last year a woman and child that benefited from VA spoke at the Friday afternoon meeting under the tent. It was moving and gave me an incredible sense of gratitude to be a part of something so obviously epic. What also left a deep impression on me was some of the VA folks were BBQ’ing at one of the aid stations on the back half of the race. I might have been 60 or so miles into it. They were all having fun and laughing. I can’t tell you what was said to me because I don’t remember. But what I do remember is the great vibe they left me with that carried me toward the end of the race. I often think back to that.  By fundraising, I can help those folks, just as they helped me. What are your favorite and least favorite aspects to a 100 miler? Starting with the favorites, it’s the reason I’m coming back to this race – the VOLUNTEERS ARE AWESOME. This race and everybody involved are the best. Volunteers and the race director are what keep people coming back.

And the community of ultra-runners that were up here last year were kind and giving of their time and wisdom. It’s the stuff that will bring tears to your eyes if you think on it long enough. Tears of gratitude to have the ability to participate in something so special. My least favorite aspects - I don’t necessarily like when my stomach goes sour. Which has inevitably happened on every race. Although this year I’m going to try and different approach and see what happens. I’m a slow and steady guy so that 3 am time frame can be trying also. I’m talking about those moments where I’m begging for the sun to come back. I’m scanning the horizon for any lightening of the sky. What is the one thing you are looking forward to at the aid stations? Is there a go-to fuel or drink you have? Is it the volunteers? I love the variation in the aid stations. But my favorite for food has to be the grand cookie selection at one of the stations. Not quite sure which one. But I’m going to be on the lookout.

And I plan on eating more this time around J What advice would you give to someone who is just getting started with ultra running? My advice is pick a race and work toward it. It’s really that simple. You may want to start with a 50k and work your way up. Or you can just shoot the moon and go for the big 100. Either way, make sure you like the training aspect. I’ve also adopted the idea that every run and race is a lesson of what works and what doesn’t work. And more shall be revealed. You could read all the race reports you want, but until you go out and start putting one foot in front of the other, you’re really not going to understand what is waiting for you. But I do believe if I can do it, anyone can. Now some people around me have argued that point. But I truly believe if you want it bad enough, you can go out and get it. The discipline of training for this distance spills into all my affairs. I really think it makes me a better son, husband, father, worker and friend.

The sense of accomplishment of completing a race like this is unmatched. And that’s something that no one can ever take away. It’s with you for life! Here is a little bit about Vermont Adaptive Vermont Adaptive Ski and Sports is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing recreational and competitive sports opportunities to people with disabilities. We believe sports and recreation provide a physical, mental and social experience that is immeasurable in promoting self-confidence and independence in an individual. With nearly 400 active volunteers instructing and helping, plus generous partners and sponsors, and an amazing base of clients and friends, Vermont Adaptive Ski & Sports has been at the forefront of sports and recreation for those with disabilities in New England for more than 20 years. Vermont Adaptive Ski & Sports is committed to empowering individuals with disabilities. We promote independence and further equality through access and instruction to sports and recreational activities.

The VT 100 is one of Vermont Adaptive Ski and Sports biggest fund raisers every year. Without our participants, volunteers and sponsors, Vermont Adaptive would not be able to provide access to: skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing, sailing, canoeing, kayaking, hand cycling, tandem biking, horse back riding, rock climbing, hiking, camping and other adventure weekends to their participants! Here are just a few ways Vermont Adaptive puts a donation to work $25 provides a 2 hour snowshoe or Nordic outing in the winter or a 2 hour canoe or kayak outing in the summer. $40 allows Vermont Adaptive to purchase a box of hand warmers for volunteer instructors and participants. $60 covers the cost of a ½ day of skiing or snowboarding including equipment. $100 covers a whole day of skiing or snowboarding in the winter or a therapeutic horse back lesson in the summer. (These allow us to provide scholarships to people who otherwise could not participate.) $500 allows Vermont Adaptive to purchase new helmets for one program location.

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