

Satria Sugara 182040041 Adbis (A)
  1. The book has been read
  2. i have been driving for an hour
  3. i didn't have any money
  4. i will go to singapore next week
  5. she did not make any mistake
  6. yes, i do
  7. do you love me?
  8. i dont have money
  9. your car has been wash
  10. shall we go now?
  11. you must come on time today
  12. i will come back home tomorrow
  13. he has been sleeping for two hours
  14. yes,he does
  15. the book is being read by me
  16. i will be an artist
  17. he is watching television
  18. i am reading a newspaper
  19. he had borrowed my book
  20. Satria has gone to buy some snacks
  21. may i go home now?
  22. i am handsome
  23. she is singing
  24. he is smart
  25. this is my bike
  26. your face is very beautiful
  27. my favorite activity is playing guitar
  28. are you swimming now?
  29. you are dilligent
  30. he is cool
  31. i am happy
  32. the fried chicken is cooked by me
  33. Iphone is realised their new series
  34. that is a good idea
  35. he is a husband
  36. she is a wife
  37. He is flying to Bangkok tomorrow
  38. The book has been returned
  39. I could not visit you tomorrow
  40. i can work together
  41. you may need rest
  42. do you want to leave right now
  43. do close the window
  44. where did you go yesterday?
  45. the movie has been watched
  46. my father may have read this newspaper
  47. they are playing badminton
  48. i am listening to the music
  49. do wash your car
  50. did you see my pen?

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