


Form of Affirmative Sentences - Part 1

Put the verbs into the correct form.

  1. I (to listen)  to music every day.
  2. Simon (to collect)  stamps.
  3. We (to wash)  the dishes once a day.
  4. My mother always (to make)  breakfast.
  5. Sarah usually (to meet)  Maria at the tennis club.

Form of Affirmative Sentences - Part 2

Put the verbs into the correct form.

  1. Mr Williams often (to teach)  the dogs new tricks.
  2. They always (to throw)  their litter in the bin.
  3. The referee usually (to stop)  the game after 90 minutes.
  4. The kids (to hurry)  to open their presents.
  5. This car can (to do)  250 km/h.

Negative Sentences

Make negative sentences.

  1. They go to the supermarket. → 
  2. Ben does his homework in the kitchen. → 
  3. Jenny takes photos. → 
  4. I learn French words. → 
  5. He has two older sisters. → 


Ask questions of the sentence (use Do or Does)

  1. Danny goes to school from Monday to Friday. → 
  2. My rabbit has a cage in the garden. → 
  3. The children like cats. → 
  4. Jenny goes to work by bike. → 
  5. Andrew's new mountain bike costs €1000. → 

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