

crls.com - Frank L. Wiebke

The primary business of the Columbia River Log Scaling & Grading Bureau is, as it has been for over a century, the provision of accurate, unbiased, uniform log scaling and grading to the Pacific Northwest timber industry. The Bureau also supplies data distribution and reporting to our subscribers as a part of our dedication to good customer service and support.

Since its founding in 1910 as one of the first organizations to promote the third party scaling concept, where the log scaler, and their management, have no vested interest in the logs they are scaling. the Bureau has operated continuously under the Columbia River name. First in Portland Oregon from offices on Stark Street, then offices in Eugene on Oakmont Way, then in the Oakway Center, and now on Crescent Avenue, the office staff and administration of the Columbia River Bureau is committed to the timely, cost efficient, accurate, delivery of the subscribers log scale.

Incorporated in 1919 as an Oregon Not for Gain or Profit company. We currently have an 18 member Board of Directors. Five representatives of the government Agencies managing timber in the Pacific Northwest are appointed to non-voting memberships. The thirteen remaining Board members are elected from amongst the Timber Interests who comprise our subscribers. They serve unpaid terms and their participation is most appreciated.

The Bureau operates in Oregon and Washington. We also have experience in Alaska, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, and Texas. Columbia River Log Scaling & Grading Bureau is an active member of the Northwest Log Scale Advisory Group.

Source crls.com

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