


Ive decided to compile a list of tricks Maxine uses on people so that people are more aware of just how she uses psychology on members of her own cult. I will be adding to this list whenever I find out new tricks or I remember some more! I am pinning this topic because I believe everyone here should read this list and realize what she is doing. You do not need to respond to this post. I hope you enjoy this-
#1 "I know this"
Description: This is a common phrase used by Maxine. If you challenge her in anyway you will ususally get a short responce followed by a "I know this" or "I have studied this indepthly". She uses it usually at the end of a sentence as though she is cutting you off from replying. This is a trick she alway used with myself and Jon everytime we tried to show her information that she got was blatantly wrong.
Dann: "Maxine, I dont believe your page on Egypt is right, I would help you fix it if youd like.[Fill in several examples of where the page is incorrect]"
Maxine: "No. Scholars have been lying about this to keep the populace ignorant of the truth. These messages are written in stone and only Satans people know what they mean. I know this."
#2 "I took a course on this in university"
Description: I find this one the most amusing. It seems that every topic I bring up to counter her arguements she seemed to say "I took a course ont his in University". This is again, a way of her trying to prove that she has superiority when it comes to information about this. I dont understad how if she was poor and living on the streets she could have taken all of these courses, and they are numerous. She used this multiple times in our arguements.
Example: A good example of this was when we were talking about decaying meat and she went off stating "I know this. I took a course on Biology(or whatever it was) in University." Im her attempts to prove me wrong, and show her superiority on the subject. This also went on about some discussion we were having about spiders. She claimed that the university taught her that daddy longlegs were the most poisonous form of spider. Yet this has been proven an urban myth!
#3 "Satan did this and this and this for me"
Description: I dont know HOW many times we need to hear what Satan did for her. A lot of orthodox and extremist Christians hold this syndrom as well. It involves "if something goes good in my life, it is because of [Satan], no other reason" but the reverse is always "if something goes BAD in my life it is because of [angels, spiritual warfare, Jehova etc]".
There is a flip side to this, if she is purposefully doing this without actually experiencing anything good, she is just using her "good happenings" as motive to try to get people to believe that she is "of Satan". That he favors her in some way. She promotes this enough on the boards for the question to be warrented to say WHY does someone need to say all of this great stuff Satan has done for her? If he does this for ALL of his followers she wouldnt need to brag about it because it should be happening to them too. Of couse, this is where the whole "have faith in Satan" comes in, which is our next trick.
#4 "Have faith In Satan"
Description: I just love this one. I remember when I was new at the JOS Maxine was against having "faith" in anything. She said thats what the church did and nothing came of it. Now it seems that whenever something goes wrong in a JOSers life and they publically speak about Maxine brings up the "faith" word. She used to say that it was "Satan testing his own" but that grew old quickly and she switched to "have faith".
#5 "This is what Satan wants"
Description: This has to be the most hypocritical thing Maxine has ever said and its becoming more and more common. When the JOS was new she never spoke about what Satan wanted and allowed others to openly state their views, but soon after she started gaining members I noticed that quickly changed. Now it is stronger than ever, as now shes promoting material which is "questionable" at the least. She has become the divine link between Satan and his followers. I challenge anyone who is on the JOS, next time Maxine states "This is what Satan wants" to state "Satan told me he wants [the opposite]". She also uses this trick to make members do things believing that Satan actually TOLD her thats what he wants them to do. Now she can get them to do anything SHE pleases. If this is not a repeat of what happened in the Christian Era I dont know what is.
#6 "I have heard from others that..."
Description: This isnt a new one and shes been using it for all of the "enemies of the JOS" but most recently she has been using it for me to try to discredit all of the information I have exposed about her. She wont say it in a direct format, why? Because if she does and shes wrong, she loses credibility. BUT if she says it as "I have heard..." if it proved to be untrue(which it always does), shes not to blame! The person who told her is!
There is another reason for using this one too, the media knows this and uses this a lot. It doesnt matter if what she says is FACTUAL, it just matters that people hear someone SAYING it. So if she gets this out in the open and on the boards people will start talking to eachother saying "I heard that.." and it will be spread. However this method is high unsuccessful unless of course the person you are talking about is dead. lol
Example: "I heard that Dann has AIDS"
Again, whos to blame if she is wrong? Why the person who told her is not her!
#7 "If you leave the JOS you are not a Satanist and going AGAINST Satan"
Sometimes this one isnt as direct as Ive wrote about but its basically her mentality. She views the JOS as Satans ONLY link to his followers. This means that she can use this as coercian against members who are thinking about leaving. She then suppliments it with a "Look at what happened to these members that have left us!" compliment. This keeps members fearful of leaving.
#8 "Look at what happened to this person when they left Satan!"
Description: I dont know how many times she posts about this on her board(it must be a good 2-3 times a month atleast). This is another method of keeping members fearful and stuck to her boards. She brings up the Melissa story constantly and always adds a little of #7 and #6 into it. There is absolutely no proof that Melissa is DEAD AT ALL. Yet she constantly states it using #6. Of course if it is true that Melissa is in some way dead, this can be traced back to Maxines doings and she can be in an aweful lot of trouble. Im sure her members are getting sick of this as well. Just look at the amount of people who have left the JOS and have ANY of them had the same "fate" that Melissa suposidly had? Nope!
#9 "You can speak with Satan too, but only after years of meditation and dedication to him, however if what you hear counters what he tells me, you are not strong enough to hear him yet"
Description: I think this one speaks for itself. How many of you have shared a different opinion than Maxine and have had her state "You need to do more meditations to advance". She is the only one who speaks with Satan, that is unless everyone elses opinions agree with her own.
#10 Speaking against Maxine or the JOS = Speaking Against Satan!
Description: Maxine really believes that anyone who speaks out against her or the JOS is directly against Satan, if anyone doubts this, just look at the letters she sent me. I believe its the third one. She claimed that my legal actions against her, was a direct attack on Satanists and Satanism!
I could go on for a while but im going to take a break. I hope you can see many of these tricks she uses. They are so blatantly obvious once you read them youll slap yourself on the face for not recognizing them.

Source exposingjos.angelfire.com

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