

kaitlyn r.

we dream of a home. a home that we'll build step by step together. a place where we'll run to whenever we need it. a home where we have large windows, where we can see flowers blooming in the backyard and grass growing endlessly. quick spring and fall won't kill us because maybe time doesn't tick and we have forever here in our home. we dream of ireland, that'll await us as parents do. a home where we could think that we belong there. a place where we could think that maybe the world isn't so big and maybe we have the chance to explore it. we will read every existed books, i will tell you every poem about how much i love you. but i can't explain it in words, my heart can't contain the love i have for you, and there's no proper words to tell you how lovely you are. in every universe where we'll meet, i will always recognize and search for you, i will always love you over and over again. my heart will always remember how home feels like when i'm around you.

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