

you're my home

home is where you are loved wholly and unconditionally, without barriers, restrictions, judgements, or expectations. home is where you are most comfortable being your absolute self ----- where you are treasured and celebrated for the unique flaws and quirks that make you authentically you.

bububb, are you know the meaning of orchidaceae?

---- orchidaceae are considered symbols of love because the plants grow easily, and bloom under most conditions. during the victorian era, it was a custom gift exotic and rare flowers to show love and affection. it was even believed that the rarer the flower you chose as a gift, your love was deeper.

🫂happy mensive 5 month, hubbie❤️

for our, for you and me ><🫶

happy mensive for us💞💞 thanks for came to my life, always make me smile because of your adorable nature and thank you for giving me attention and love. i hope this year we will get more of the best memories after the last year. akuu harap kita bisa menjadi pribadi yang lebihh baik dari sebelumnyaa dan tidak akan ada lagi kesedihan ditahun inii. i hope that we are always together untill the end of our life, and i hope that you always stay beside me forever. meeting you was like listening to a song for the first time and knowing it would be my favorite. when i first met you, i never thought i would have this moment. meeting you is one of the best times in my life. when i achieve something, when you are proud of me, i am very happy. i feel like the happiest woman in the world.

if life doesn't last, at least i'll be happy we have been made a story together. i will always be glad to see you smile and i will always be proud of what you accomplish. even though i might be far away, i will always be by your side whenever you go. when you are sick, i'll always be the one to worry, and when you don't feel well, i'll be sorry. i feel like i have everything with you ----- family, best friend, and others. i feel like have finally found a new home after a very long time without one, with you i cand mend my wounds.

stars light up the night sky like you light up my life, a lot of bad things happened to me, but because of your presence, i'm still here with my brightest smile trying to live my life with passion and always try to be grateful because you are still here with me. the night sky was dark without the stars, so do my life without you, but nothing to worry about since i'm sure that you will always by my side like the moon & stars that always together, even when i close my eyes, i still know that you are here with me, i can feel you inside my heart, signifies that i really love you from the bottom of my heart.

i always hope that you can count me whenever you need me, and i want to always feel like i'm a part of your daily life. i want you to believe that you have finally found happiness and safety with me in your life. i will always be able to give you a shoulder to lean on. it seems like no matter how deep the pain you cause, the joy i feel from you can heal them all.

i love you so much bububbb, i love you more than anything, i love youu infinity😋💞

happy mensive 5 month bububb! thank you for always choosing me in every situation, and give a chance to me to be happy with you🫂💞.

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