


Darul Uloom Anwaria is an online Islamic education institute focusing on Islamic education and research, a continuation of the chain of sacred madrassas that have transferred the legacy of knowledge from one generation to another. This online institute is founded by academics and professionals to fill the vacuum of rigorous Islamic scholarship and research and to preserve and deliver knowledge to men and women of all ages all over the world, providing an Islamic environment where young, growing minds come to learn. The medium of instruction and research is Urdu and Arabic.

Darul Uloom Imam Abu Hanifah is a non-commercial, non-political educational institute for both male female dedicated to classical Islamic learning and spirituality. Its core objectives are to provide a structured educational approach to classical Islamic scholarship, offer a flexible learning environment and impart an educational experience that is at once intellectually rigorous and spiritually uplifting.

Darul Uloom Anwaria is not just an institute; it is a community. Our students bring their unique qualities and join our community where you’ll find students, professionals, homemakers and parents, our dedicated and experienced faculty and staff, all with shared beliefs, working together towards a common goal.

Educational System Of Darul Uloom Anwaria

The learning environment at Darul Uloom Anwaria focuses on developing well-rounded students by challenging them intellectually, spiritually, physically and providing them with extensive opportunities for involvement to develop his or her fullest potential. We not only provide a rigorous curriculum but also focus on the tarbiyah of the students, which we believe is the foundation of a strong, knowledgeable individual.

We believe that a well-rounded education doesn’t attempt to focus only on one subject, but rather on a variety of disciplines to awaken a broader view of the world that is larger than one’s self. We strive to instill the basic values of the Islamic faith in our students. The education at Darul Uloom Anwaria provides students not only with the tools needed to succeed intellectually in higher academics but with the tools to build a life around the values of faith, humility, integrity and excellence that are grounded in our Islamic faith. Ultimately our students become responsible, dependable and hard-working individuals who are not intimidated by any challenges they may encounter.

To that end, our courses seek to educate students in the main disciplines of Islamic learning including Arabic language, Quran, Hadith, Law, Islamic History and Spirituality, as well as offer Islamic knowledge on contemporary and lifestyle issues pertinent to them – all in a manner that is easy to comprehend and practical to implement in one’s life. Our classes also highlight the importance of using sacred knowledge as a means of increasing our connection with Allah Almighty and furthering our spiritual development.

All programs at Darul Ulloom Anwaria draw upon the rich scholarly tradition based on the Quran and the Sunnah as understood by the Sahabah (Companions) and the Salaf Saliheen (Pious Predecessors), with a respect for all scholars of the . The medium of instruction and research is Urdu and Arabic.

Objectives of Darul Uloom Anwaria

Darul Uloom Anwaria‘s goal is to uphold, preserve and promote the Shariah (Islamic Legal Code) as expounded by the four schools of jurisprudence.To maintain, preserve and promote the Aqa’id (doctrine) of Islam as expounded by the Ahlul-Sunnah wal-Jama’ah. To infuse the whole of a Muslim personality with the emotional attachment and love to Islam. Students will be taught under the guidance of Islamic scholars who are talented in their fields of studies.

Darul Uloom Anwaria aims to give rise to vibrant and intrinsically motivated Muslims who will be prepared to face the problems in their lives with an Islamic perspective. Diligent students who seek to gain correct knowledge and be steadfast on the straight path can join Darul Uloom Anwaria and benefit themselves and the Ummah, InshaAllah.

To protect the religion of Islam from innovations as is manifested in the beliefs and practices of deviated sects, groups and movements.

Now we are offering following programs in Urdu:

Alimah Program Urdu

Dawrah Hadith Program

Tafsir e Quran Program

Intensive Arabic Program

Nazra e Quran Program

Hifzul Quran Program

Deeniyat Program Urdu

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