

rumah nggak selalunya bangunan

exo & seventeen,

thankyou for always brighten up my day. your existence in my life is the best present i get. your music really helps me a lot when im having hard time. everytime yall updates always make my day more better. when im having hard time, your comfort words helps me a lot. yall said something that i really really wanna hear but i never receive it from people surround me. i always envy with your friendship and how i wish i have it too. you make me be the better version of me. you make me be soft and loveable girl. you make me to be nice to everyone even tho they treat us bad. you create the other version of me that i never expect that i have this side. you make me appreciate little things. yall is my superhero. im the type of who easily cry because of someone i really cherish and love only. realising that i easily cry everytime yall update, gather around and have each other back make me realise that yall are also important in my life. how i always keep dreaming that i can meet yall irl one day. thankyou for always give me the reason to study. thankyou for motivate me. yall are one of the reason why im staying alive. yall really save my life without yall knowing. and i always have reason why i fall for yall. and i always hope that i can get a gentleman like yall. who truly appreciate me. who can take care of me. who can understand me. sometimes one of you always relatable with me. yall understand me so much without yall know. you're always remind us to eat. sometimes i also struggle to eat but i cope it with eat while watching yall content. thankyou for making me laugh by watching your content. thankyou for fill my loneliness time. how yall really really mean so much in my life. let's pray that one day i can meet yall :) thankyou for being my superhero <3 ILOVEYOUUUU TO THE MOON AND NEVER BACK MY BOYS !

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