

Owned by Manuello.
Sometime, home is a person.

I'm not good at expressing when I love a person so much, because I feel there are not words that I can conjure to translate from my heart or brain to quite define how I feel.

I hope you already know, you are my home, because you are the place I choose to return to over and over again. The place that even when painful, means the most. You are my home, because you have made me who I am, whether or not you realized what you were doing. You are my home, because you showed me the best kind of love there is.

I'm totally in love with you. Whole, painful, true love. The kind of love that burns so intense it feels like am explosion of fireworks in your body. The love that leaves you sleepless but exhilarated, speechless but poetic, lost but exactly where you are meant to be. The feel-so-much you get scared kind of love. The love I never knew I was searching for, I found in you, Manuello Elsworth.

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