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Hombre definition: a man; fellow | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples. Translation of hombre at Merriam-Webster's Spanish-English Dictionary. Audio pronunciations, verb conjugations, quizzes and more. Hombre is a 1967 revisionist western film directed by Martin Ritt, based on the novel of the same name by Elmore Leonard and starring Paul Newman, Fredric Borrowing from Spanish hombre (“man; human being”), from Old Spanish omne, from Latin hominem, accusative of homo (“a human being, a person”), from Old "There's only one form of persuasion to use with an hombre," commented Henderson, gently. Still Jim Honor Willsie Morrow. The hombre who had been driving hombre - Definitions Francais : Retrouvez la definition de hombre, ainsi que les homonymes - Dictionnaire, definitions, section_expression, conjugaison, Literally meaning 'man' (originally denoting Spanish descent). Commonly used as slang for 'dude' as a variant of 'homeboy' or 'homie'. A term of endearment John 'Hombre' Russell is a white man raised by the Apaches on an Indian reservation and later by a white man in town. Origin and Etymology of hombre. Spanish, man, from Latin homin-, homo. Definition of hombre - a man, especially one of a particular type.

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