

Short Rhymes

My God - size of a pumpkin,

Your God looks like Macaulay Culkin.

My God - good good lovin',

Your God - good for nothin'

My God - pink and big,

Your God stinks like shit.

My God got a Caesar do,

Your God needs a tweezer, dude.

My God is like super size,

Your God look like two fries.

My God- more mass than the Earth,

Your God - half staff, it needs work.

My God parts the seas,

Your God farts and queefs

My God - rumble in the jungle,

Your God got touched by your uncle.

| pumpkin - тыква

| stink - вонять, дурно пахнуть

| tweezer - пинцет

| fries - картошка фри

| half staff - на пол-ставки

| to part the seas - разделять моря

| to fart and queef - пукать и пердеть

| to rumble - грохотать, греметь



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