


One time ago, a little girl has holidays. So, on one day, she and her family want to make a trip. They went to Meersburg. In Meersburg is a little castle museum, and when you go there, you can see how people live long time ago.  

Meersburg Bodensee Burg Pixabay

It was very intersting to see what the humans were doing back then! I can recommend it to everyone. In addition to that, long time ago, in the years 1841 to 1848 the famous German poetess Anette von Droste-Hülshoff lived at the Meersburg castle during her stay at Lake Constance (Bodensee) She also died at the castle on May 24, 1848.

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The Meersburg was built 630 after Christus, so she is incredible 1.392 years old! That's very cool! So, if you're bored in the next holidays, then you know what you can do! ;-)

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