

/pol/ - Politically Incorrect (Zoomer)
Hi this is my first post im 22 years old im from italy i came here from reddit because im serching for a good movie about the rise of the Nazi party and Hitlers life and what caused him to hate so much people that werent german such as slavic, black, polish and especially jews and why he killed 12 million people wich 6 million were Jews many on reddit recommended me to watch Hitler the Rise of Evil do you guys know the movie?
Im very familiar whit most of the italian fascist movies but ive still not yet learned a lot about Hitler i only know that he was a cocaine addict and that he had only 1 ball ive also heard rumors that he might also have been gay.
My grandparents were holocaust survivors they were saved by Giorgio Perlasca who was an Italian merchant who in the winter of 1944, during the Second World War, pretending to be Spanish consul general, saved the lives of over five thousand Hungarian Jews, snatching them from Nazi deportation.
Raccomand me some good historical movies ;)

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