

JD Frazier

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View this community’s rules

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Submission Rules

  • Include an accurate description of the photograph (event, location, war, year, etc) in the title.Titles should not include commentary, opinion or information about the circumstances surrounding the person/event in the image. Please add commentary and supplementary information in the comments.
  • Titles should not include any political or cultural interpretation or observation.
  • Include the date of the photograph in the title.If you cannot find the date after a concerted effort, then a rough estimate or simply saying unknown date will suffice.
  • Include the resolution in [brackets] in the title.
  • Only submit static photographs.
  • Posters, illustrations and postcards are not permitted. Please only submit historic photographs.
  • Videos, collections, interactive images/websites, and articles are notallowed.
  • Do not submit a shortened link using a URL shortener like tinyurl.
  • Pictures of family members are not allowed in r/HistoryPorn unless they were taken in the context of a verifiable, historically significant event. Please consider submitting those images to /r/thewaywewere or /r/HumanPorn.
  • Images submitted here must be of historical events, taken at least 20 years ago.
  • Images that have been resubmitted within the last three months will be removed.
  • Make sure your image is hosted by an approved host.Original source is allowed and preferred over the approved hosts. Please designate your original source with the tag [OS] in order to prevent mixups.
  • If you took the photo yourself, you can signify this by using the tag [OC] (original content) and after 24 hours you will be given special flair. If you don't receive flair after a few days feel free to message the mods.
  • Regarding reposts: it is not a repost unless it was posted to /r/HistoryPornless than three months ago, or if it's already in the top 100 of all time.
  • If you have any questions check out the FAQ.

Comment Rules

  • Personal attacks, abusive language, trolling or bigotry in any form is not allowed, will be removed and banning may result.
  • Keep the discussion on-topic. Comments that do not directly add to the discussion will be removed.

If you have any questions or feedback feel free to let us know!

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