E-mail marketing

E-mail marketing


If you have ever wondered why it is worth working with e-mail marketing, then the first question that arose was what kind of results it would bring. Like any other promotion tool, first of all, e-mail marketing is to increase sales. This article is for those who want to figure out at what points in working with e-mail marketing you should pay attention. From the stages of launching the mailing list and further work with it to the results that campaign will bring.

The first step is to analyze the points that affect sales. I want to consider the key points that need to be thought out before launching the mailing and, on working with which, the effectiveness of your campaign will depend.

The first thing that the reader sees is the title of the letter

It should be useful, specific - interesting specifically for your audience and unique, that is, different from the rest of the correspondence in the mail. Use the preheader, which is going immediately after the subject line. In general, preheader plays the role of the second heading, thus becoming your second chance to ensure that your letter is opened. In order for the preheader not to look separate it is usually formatted just like the body of the letter in white font on a white background (or any other if you use a colored background).

Secondly, the success of the letter depends on its content

All the information in the letter should be structured. The main rule of e-mail marketing is “one letter - one offer”. You can use additional offers for other products, but the main idea should be the same. For example, in a letter about the sale at the shoe store, you should either specify either “sale of red shoes” or expand - instead of sandals, sneakers, flip-flops it is proper to write: "sale of shoes for the summer collection". The most important information should be written in the first paragraph because it will be read first of all. After it, the user will decide whether to read further. The total amount of text in a letter should be no more than a thousand characters. Turns out, the sweet spot for email marketing copy is shorter than you might imagine. In fact, the best responses are found with emails around 50 to 125 words (or around 20 lines of text, depending on whose research you’re looking at). Now, before you get carried away trying to make yours as short as possible, there is a fine line between short and, well, too short. Emails that were fewer than 10 words only got opened 36% of the time. Nevertheless, that should not really surprise you since there isn’t a lot of emotion you can convey in just a handful of words. In addition, as you’ll see, emotion is a key attribute of high-converting emails.

There is no such thing as a bad question

But in email marketing, there is such a thing as too many questions. People like questions because it makes them feel like you care about their feelings, issues, and opinions. It personalizes your interaction with them—like you’re having a face-to-face conversation. Finely crafted queries can tease out pain points and start a conversation that will draw your customer closer to your brand. But too many questions can be considered pushy, persistent, and pestering, which is not the tone you want your customers to receive, and it might even cause them to close the email or even unsubscribe. Instead of peppering your email with multiple questions, pick one or two targeted queries and use the rest of the email body to invite and ask.


Recently there has been a tendency to create stylish and concise in its design emails with a small number of bright elements. Therefore, it is worth making an effort to ensure that your email does not differ from its competitors by its unprofitable design. However, it is not necessary to hire a professional designer - standard mail services already offer ready-made designs. It is worth remembering that the pictures in the letter should be included separately from the text - they are disabled by default on many browsers. Therefore, it is important to typeset letters in such a way that the text looks fully and without pictures.

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