

"hi pakwe"

there is this boy, named Dylan Mykael. i know him on August 5, Saturday. our relationship is so unexpected, we're just flirting for fun but accidentally catch feeling. so many things we've been through before become a partner. thank you to arep and hen for being our orang tengah wkwk. we officially become a partner on September, 2. already 1 month. he confessed to me first because he knew i wouldn't do that first because i'm too gengsi ah. at first i wasn't sure about my feelings, but after how he treated me makes me fell in love with him more and more. he is a good person, a sweet boy and good at taking care of my feelings. i know people come and go but i hope our relationship can last a long time. i know i often disappointed you, hurt you, but trust me i didn't mean it. i will try my best to be the best for you, i promise sayang. there are a million things i wish i could say to you. but i just hope you know i truly love you, with all my heart. thank you for loving me, treating me well, understanding my situation, accepting me as i am. even it's not that much but it's very valuable to me, i appreciate it all from you. i love you so much, Dylan Mykael.

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