Letting Go.....

Letting Go.....


Love!! A diverse rush of thoughts comes to one's mind when I spell the conflicting emotion. The thoughts turn out to be a mixture of positive and negative based on one's own vibrant adventures. They say when you love someone you only care about that one being's happiness whether the person be with you or not. I always thought such idealistic love had a place only in books and movies. To imagine that degree of selflessness to exist in actual world was skeptical . But today when I look at him I see purity and nothing less. No toxicity or chaos or manipulation. Pure truth and good spirit not just for me but for everyone around him. He doesn't deserve all that negativity he faces, he deserves a love which takes him away from everything. Maybe he had that too but world's conservative walls were just too suffocating. It would suck to see him with someone else but then I would remember the things he has been through, the goodness he has in him, the way he didn't ask or even deserve any of it and i would be relieved he finally has peace with someone he finds common ground to. Someone who would be with him, take away his pain, comfort him in his darkest times, understand his past trauma and hold his hand no matter what.

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