

ㅤㅤIf there's anything she wanted the most, it's to be able to see the stars with someone. To stargaze, watch the meteors fall, to guess which star is which. And while she wasn't all that into what the stars say, or what the stars are—she'd always find them admirable. 

ㅤㅤAnd there she was, lying down on the hill ; green and feathery with spruce and fir, far from her place on a May midnight, not progressing in knowing which star is which. 

ㅤㅤIt wasn't until she was overshadowed by a figure, looking down at her curiously, and only then did she find out who it was after the moonlight reflected his mask. She smiled, her eyes glistening with delight.

ㅤㅤ"Good evening, there! What brings you here?" She says, still not moving from her position. 

ㅤㅤ"I'd ask you the same thing..."

ㅤㅤHe sighed, walking over to the space beside her and sat down, looking up at the stars in the sky.

ㅤㅤ"Nothing, just felt like stargazing tonight." She responds, resting her hands at the back of her head and lying down.

ㅤㅤ"Guess we're on the same boat then."

ㅤㅤThey both drifted into silence—one that's peaceful and silently agreed to, just watching the stars align on a fateful 3AM.

ㅤㅤ"Polaris." He hummed at her sudden remark, only to look at her pointing at a star. "It's part of Ursa Minor."

ㅤㅤ"Yeah, I know." He responds.

ㅤㅤShe pauses for a moment, staring at nothing but the star. "They say that once you find it, you'll never lose your way back home."

ㅤㅤHe turns back to look at her, only to find her looking at him this entire time.

ㅤㅤTo her maybe he was her home. She'd have never thought that she'd be stargazing alone that night—and honestly, it came better than she anticipated. 

ㅤㅤHer lips form a smile, looking back up in the sky. The way she looked at him was something he can't lay a finger on but decides not to stray around the topic, looking back at the sky peacefully.

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