

Your dearest one.
You are my because in every "why"

You're special to me. You're the only one who I wouldn't mind losing sleep for, the only one who I can never get tired of talking to, and the only one who crosses my mind constantly through out the day. You're the only one who can make me smile without trying, bring down my mood without the intention to and affect my emotions with every action of yours.

I can't explain with just words how much you mean to me, but you're the only one I'm afraid of losing and the one I want to keep in my life.

I could compare you to a thousand different things; the ocean, bright galaxies, the full moon.. but nothing will ever describe exactly how I feel about you. it is so frustrating that I can't express how much I truly adore you.

If anyone ever asks me what part of my life you are, I will look at them and smile and say, "The best part." The happiness you give me is something I'll never be able to get enough of. I love having you in my world, and I love having you to love.

I want to lend you my eyes so that you can finally see just how spectacular you are in the reflection of the nameless, and newfangled colours that dance within my vision when I see you.

I believe I might have fallen in love with you But I did not just fall in love with you. Yet your soul. I fell in love with the way you look at me with your eyes full of joy.

I love you, jeffrey. For all that you are all that you have been and all you're yet to be.

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