high dose vitamin d fertility

high dose vitamin d fertility

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High Dose Vitamin D Fertility


Confessional moment: I've been doing something a little Real Housewives–esque lately. See, I've been going to an intravenous therapy center in Beverly Hills to get vitamin D injections (in my behind, if you must know). They even offer the trendy Myers' cocktail, used by stars like Rihanna and Madonna, for a much-needed antioxidant fix on the road.Vitamin therapy may currently be in vogue, but that's not why I've taken a sudden interest. I'm doing it in a calculated effort to address my vitamin D deficiency as I begin my next IVF cycle. Studies show that women with vitamin D levels of more than 20 ng/mL are twice as likely to conceive through IVF than those who display a deficiency, and levels of 30 ng/mL are preferable for general health. My current level is 18.The most disappointing thing about the situation is that I've been actively supplementing since I first discovered my deficiency almost a year ago. (This was back when I was blissfully unaware that I also have diminished ovarian reserve.)

At that time, I was told my level was 19, so I started taking 2400 IU daily of vitamin D.When I eagerly retested a few weeks ago, I was dashed to learn my levels had gone down despite my faithful yearlong vitamin regimen; my body wasn't absorbing it properly. I knew I had to quickly step up my efforts to boost my number—and my IVF prospects. Enter the 50,000 IU injections.Turns out I'm not alone—about 40 percent of women of reproductive age are deficient in Vitamin D. (Here's a great article that explains why that's a problem.) If you're among them, here's what to do:Stock up on supplements. Unlike many other vitamins, the body can't get much of the vitamin D it needs from food, so supplements are typically necessary to reach sufficient levels. The Vitamin D Council recommends 5,000 IU daily for adults, but up to 10,000 IU is permitted. Also, vitamin D is fat-soluble, so it's a good idea to take the supplements with foods containing fats or oils.Soak in the sunlight. When skin is exposed to UVB rays, it makes its own vitamin D.

The amount of vitamin D your body produces is affected by a number of factors: where you live, how dark your skin is, the amount of time spent in the sun, and how much skin you leave exposed. However, that doesn't mean you should skip using sun protection. Check out the Vitamin D Council's great primer on figuring out the right mix for you.Before doing something as drastic as getting vitamin D injections (like yours truly), be sure to consult your doctor. Otherwise, you could possibly develop a condition known as vitamin D toxicity or hypercalcemia (too-high levels of blood calcium). According to the Vitamin D Council, hypercalcemia tends to develop when someone takes 40,000 IU daily for three months or more, but it can occur in other situations as well.All in all, your vitamin D levels are definitely something to keep an eye on—not just for healthy bones, but also to boost your general and reproductive wellness. "It can't hurt to supplement," says Joshua Hurwitz, M.D., of Reproductive Medicine Associates of Connecticut.

"The higher quality your overall health is, the better your fertility will be."Jen Jones Donatelli is an author and journalist whose work and photography have appeared in Conde Nast Traveler, LA Confidential, Natural Health, Variety, San Francisco, Whole Life Times, Clean Plates, Total Beauty, and many more. When not typing the day away at her laptop, she is also a journalism instructor for Ohio University, MediaBistro, and StoryStudio Chicago. Specializing in all things lifestyle and wellness, Jen is passionate about the topic of fertility—and thrilled to explore it more fully for REDBOOK. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband, Joe, and beloved spaniel pup, Tanner.Related:What is PCOS, Anyway? And Is It Affecting Your Fertility?Why Acupuncture Works for InfertilityFrom A to Zygote: Deciphering the Secret Language of FertilityYou’re smart to be thinking about pumping up your iron levels while trying to conceive (TTC). As you’ve heard, there does seem to be a link between iron and fertility — in fact, research shows that low iron levels could play a role in infertility.

Researchers have found that women who take iron supplements have, on average, 40 percent less risk of ovulatory infertility (an inability to produce healthy baby-making eggs) than those who don’t take iron supplements. And the higher the dose, the lower their risk. Women who take the highest doses — more than 41 mg a day — decrease their risk by more than 62 percent!But before you rush out to buy iron supplements, here is what you need to know:Not all women need supplements (but they do need iron). Experts say more research is needed before they’d recommend iron supplements to all women as a fertility booster. But even if iron isn’t recommended as a fertility booster for you specifically, you’ll still want to beef up your iron stores the natural way before you get pregnant. Iron is one of the minerals that your future baby-to-be will siphon from you —and too little iron at the start of pregnancy can put you at risk for anemia during pregnancy and afterward (when you need all the energy you can get to take care of your baby).

Talk to your doctor. Your best bet when it comes to thinking about iron and fertility (and pregnancy)? Discuss your nutrition with your practioner and ask to get a blood test that will check your iron levels. If your test results indicate that you could use iron supplements, then you and your doctor can work together to determine an appropriate dose for you. If your iron levels are healthy, then you may not need a separate iron supplement, but you’ll still want to make sure you take a prenatal vitamin (which will include some iron) and that you eat a well-rounded diet, which will include iron-rich foods.The most easily absorbed iron — called heme iron — is found in meat. The other form of iron — called non-heme iron — comes from plant sources but because of its chemical structure is more difficult for the intestines to absorb. Don’t disregard non-heme iron, however — it’s still worth your while to eat both sources of iron. In fact, heme iron helps improve the absorption of non-heme iron, so eating food sources of both forms of iron at the same time is ideal.

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