high dose vitamin c and lysine

high dose vitamin c and lysine

high dose vitamin c and kidney stones

High Dose Vitamin C And Lysine


Why is heart attack the No. 1 killer in North America? Ninety-nine per cent of doctors say it’s due to atherosclerosis (hardening of arteries) and that cholesterol-lowering drugs are the primary way to treat it. But I say it’s because cardiologists have closed minds and are ignoring facts that could save thousands of North Americans from coronary attack. History shows mankind is not kind to new ideas. In 1847, one maternity patient in six who entered the University Hospital in Vienna left in a coffin. Because esteemed professors ridiculed Dr. Semmelweiss, a colleague, for showing that by simply washing hands after doing an autopsy, deaths were prevented. Years later, Dr. Linus Pauling, two-time Nobel Prize winner, is ignored for reporting that large amounts of vitamin C and lysine are needed to prevent coronary attacks. Twenty-five years ago, Pauling reported that animals make vitamin C and humans do not. That’s why sailors died of scurvy during long sea voyages, but the ship’s cat survived.

Vitamin C is required to manufacture healthy collagen, the glue that holds coronary cells together, just like mortar is needed for bricks. Lysine, like steel rods in concrete, makes collagen stronger. Pauling claimed it takes a mere 10 milligrams to prevent scurvy, but several thousand to prevent heart attack. Williams Stehbens, professor of anatomy at Wellington University in New Zealand, proved Pauling was right. Stehbens’ research showed that coronary arteries closest to the heart are under the greatest pressure. This causes collagen to fracture, resulting in the formation of a blood clot and death. Dr. Sydney Bush, an English researcher, has now proven that vitamin C can reverse atherosclerosis. Bush took retinal photographs, then started his patients on high doses of vitamin C and lysine. One year later, additional pictures showed atherosclerosis had regressed in retinal arteries. This also occurs in coronary and other arteries. So what has happened to these monumental findings?

Bush, like Semmelweiss, has been ridiculed by cardiologists. One has to ask whether cardiologists, by ignoring his results, are condemning thousands of people to an early needless coronary heart attack. Fifteen years ago, following my own coronary attack, cardiologists claimed it was sheer madness for me to refuse cholesterol-lowering drugs. Instead, I decided to take high doses of vitamin C plus lysine with breakfast and the evening meal, for several reasons. I knew that Dr. Duane Graveline, a physician and NASA astronaut, had twice developed transient global amnesia from taking Lipitor. I was also aware that patients have died from CLDs. Others have developed kidney, liver and muscle complications. I also believed the research of Pauling and Stehbens irrefutable. Now, the work of Bush has convinced me my decision was prudent. But to take large doses of vitamin C and lysine requires swallowing many pills daily. It’s a tall order for those who dislike swallowing even one pill.

Fortunately, Preferred Nutrition has produced a powder containing a high concentration of vitamin C and lysine, called Medi-C Plus available at health food stores. The dosage for the Medi-C Plus is one flat scoop with breakfast and the evening meal with either water or orange juice. Those who have had a heart attack or a family history of cardiovascular disease should take one flat scoop three times a day. If high doses cause diarrhea, the dose should be decreased. This column does not recommend that those taking CLDs should stop them. This is a decision that can only be made by patients and doctors. Most of today’s cardiologists are impervious to persuasion. They continue to believe that cholesterol-lowering drugs are the be-all and end-all to prevent heart attack. They’ve been brainwashed by millions of dollars worth of promotion by pharmaceutical companies. It reminds me of the saying that cautions, “It’s not what you don’t know that gets you into trouble, it’s the things you know for sure that ain’t so.”

It’s time for cardiologists to have an open mind and stop ignoring this research. As for me, I bet my life on it.If you have been researching treatment approaches to combat the herpes and cold sore virus then you are bound to discover useful information about the amino acid Lysine. Lysine is a natural supplement that, if taken at a high enough dose, works to restrict the herpes virus’ food — without posing any serious health risks or side effects. Lysine is an amino acid that you obtain naturally through your diet. It is one of the amino acids that can only be acquired through your diet (or by taking a Lysine supplement). Taken in adequate dosages, this amino acid has been scientifically proven to “slow down” and retard the growth of the herpes virus, as well as inhibit viral replication.  Viral replication is when the virus grows and multiplies in larger numbers. Studies have shown that supplements of Lysine can reduce the frequency and intensity of herpes and cold sore outbreaks.

The outcome is likely to be improved if a supplement is taken that contains Lysine along with other nutrients that are indicated for herpes, such as Vitamin C, Bioflavonoids and Zinc, which have been proven in Clinical Trials to improve healing time and reduce the frequency of episodes. These nutrients work cohesively together and along with Lysine can help to suppress outbreaks and strengthen the skin. Tip, don’t pass on the Bioflavonoids because they work in synergy with the other nutrients, making them more effectively utilized by the body. Bioflavonoids have also been demonstrated to help stop an outbreak before it starts. There are two amino acids that have been found to significantly influence herpes (the virus that causes cold sores and genital herpes), these are Lysine and Arginine. Lysine can be a valuable weapon in reducing outbreaks and in healing the infection quickly, whereas Arginine can provoke outbreaks and is required by the herpes simplex virus to replicate and cause symptoms.

Learn more about this relationship in the Blog Article Herpes Diet Questions and Answers. Tissue culture studies show that Lysine works by repressing the metabolism of Arginine, an amino acid that is essential for the herpes virus to replicate and become active. For more information about the safety of taking Lysine supplements please read the article Is Lysine Safe? which addresses some commonly asked questions. Lysine is one of eight essential amino acids. It is a building block of protein that the body cannot synthesize from other sources and therefore must be obtained from our diet. A healthy diet high in Lysine and low in Arginine can be helpful in reducing herpes and cold sore outbreaks. Taking an additional Lysine supplement can help to ensure the correct balance in the body, This could include eating healthy amounts of foods rich in Lysine such as vegetables, fish, chicken, cheese, milk, brewer’s yeast and beans and avoiding foods such as nuts, chocolate, whole and white wheat, oats and gelatin, which are high in Arginine.

Try Combined Lysine Formula for an all-in-one supplement When deciding on which brand of Lysine to take it is preferable to choose one that is manufactured from pure Lysine derived from a food source rather than a synthetic or cultured lysine and if possible, one that also contains other beneficial nutrients such as Zinc, Vitamin C and Bioflavonoids. These compounds work in synergy with each other (in other words they work better in the body when taken together) and will also save you money in the long run if purchased in one combined tablet. Vitamin C and Zinc help the skin to repair, regenerate and heal more efficiently and Bioflavonoids improve the absorption of Vitamin C.  These supplements can help reduce outbreaks. Vitamin C and Zinc both have wound healing properties and Vitamin C is vital to the production of collagen (a fiber that connects and strengthens connective tissue, such as the skin).  Bioflavonoids are a natural antioxidant, free radical destroyer and immune booster.

Gelatin is high in the amino acid Arginine and should be avoided due to its potential to trigger herpes outbreaks. In fact, the whole point of taking Lysine in a supplement is to reduce the levels of Arginine in the body. So taking a Lysine supplement which contains Gelatin is not recommended. An ingredient commonly found in supplements is Dicalcium phosphate.  This compound can affect the body’s ability to absorb nutrients, particularly Zinc.[3]  This could potentially affect your body’s ability to utilize these and other nutrients so try and avoid this ingredient in multi-vitamins and Lysine supplements. Magnesium stearate is normally derived from beef.  We prefer not to recommend supplements which contain animal products or are tested on animals. Try to find a supplement that contains a broad range of everything you need in one tablet. This is more convenient and will save you wads of money in the long run. A blended formula can also give you better results because certain nutrients, such as Vitamin C and Bioflavonoids, work better when taken together.

Synergy is the science of how things work together. The recommended daily dose for Lysine (for prevention of an outbreak) is 1250mg per day. This is the amount of Lysine required to affect the Herpes virus in Clinical Studies. The dose should be increased to 1875mg per day when an outbreak is coming on and until the outbreak is cleared (this is equivalent to 3 x standard 625 mg tablets), or as high as 2500mg if it is helpful. Ideally look for a Lysine supplement in 625mg tablets so that you don’t have to worry about halving tablets or taking too much on a daily basis. According to the FDA, the Maximum Recommended Therapeutic Dose (MRTD) for Lysine is 100 mg per kg of body weight per day (mg/kg-bw/day).[1] For example, if you weigh 60kg than the maximum dose could equate to 6000mg per day. However, we would NOT recommend taking a dose any higher than 3000mg per day (during active symptoms only) as this should be ample enough Lysine to affect the Arginine balance and halt the virus’ activity.

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