

Maraganta Aradhana.
Ganta, Mimad & Edgar


Has anyone told you that you're doing an awesome job?

Kalau ngga ada, let me say that. Mami, you do your best. Good job, i'm proud of you.

Mimad, kalau hari ini jelek berarti masih ada hari besok. Kalau besok juga masih jelek berarti besoknya lagi yaa dan selalu seperti itu, until you find what you are looking for. Hari jelek bukan berarti hidup yang dijalanin juga jelek atau buruk, we can still laugh together.

Don't feel alone Mimad, you have your friends, me and Edgar. Feel free to tell me anything, Mi.

Sorry for being late.

Selamat hari Mami walaupun cuma di dunia ini but that means a lot. Thank you for being there with your patience walaupun kadang Mimad juga nyebelin abis suka bikin anak anaknya tantrum.

I am grateful to be your son and Edgar's twin.

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