Hi pretty good afternoon, i just wanna tell u something..that I love you. everything you do I love it. Yeah, even though we've just met, what's wrong with me liking you so quickly? The feeling is that no one knows when it will come, wkk.

and to speed things up, will u bmgf?

Im not gonna get tired to tell you that im looking for a serious relationship with you Even everyday

So, please dont every think that im not going to understand what you're going thru right now

You just want the best for you, so do I

Ilym mia. There is no one else in this world that I would rather spend the rest of my life with than you. You are my everything, my whole entire world. I love you beyond. words.

without hesitation or shame, you can tell me whatever you want and say it. and now you have rights, right? Cause' now ur my gf. After being with me, I hope you will be happier, okay? ily again.

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