The words I haven't say to you.

The words I haven't say to you.

Hi! First of all, I wanna say sorry kalau nantinya mungkin kamu mikir kalau ketikanku di bawah cuma ketikan gak ada arti, but one you should know, it really means a lot for me to saying all of this to you, aku gak ada bohong di sini.

So.. there are so many words I haven't sent to you. I will start this by saying thank you. Thank you for hitting me up that day, thank you for a new nickname you gave me, thank you for always read my story, thank you for your kind words, thank you for every reminder you gave me, and thank you for showing me how it felt to be appreciated and wanted and most of all, loved.

And, this is what bothers my mind the most. I really have to tell you this. I know we were just friends with affection yesterday, but you have to know this, you are really a "friend" to me, I really feel comfortable when I'm with you, so thank you for coming and staying for a while in my life. Tau gak? Setiap kamu ceritain hal-hal yang bikin kamu capek dan sibuk, itu bikin aku langsung semangat buat jalanin hariku lagi, beneran. Aku mikir kayak, temenku aja sehebat dan sekeren ini, masa aku gak bisa? Jadi kehadiran kamu kemarin-kemarin itu beneran seberarti itu buat aku. Kamu saat aktif dan nggak pun ya tetep berarti, kamu gak aktif aja aku masih tetep bisa cerita dan tumpahin semua keluh kesahku, makasih ya dan maaf aku sering ngeluh, sekarang aman aku gak bakal ngeluh apa-apa lagi ke kamu, focus on your life ya.

Last but not least, aku minta maaf atas semua perlakuan, kalimat, atau apapun itu yang kurang berkenan buat kamu. Maaf aku berisik banget kemarin-kemarin, I'm sorry I've been a burden to you, maaf selama jadi partnerku kamu belum bisa dapet afeksi yang cukup.

Thank you, everyone loves you.

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