hi :-)

hi :-)

Hi Abhi,

This is my first letter to you. I'll try to keep it short for the first time. Here, I can collect and write my thoughts that would probably be difficult to express through instant chat or video.

I don't about you, but the journey for me so far has been exciting. From the initial curiousity, I now find you intriguing, sweet and crazy at the same time.

As I write this, I am going through your pics also. Believe it or not, I prefer the pics in which you do things (crocodile) and have the naughty look ( with tongue out). It brings out the best aspects in you (imo). Also it kind of turns me on.

I know you are concerned we don't get enough face time with each other. I would like to watch you 24/7 too. But I think it is remarkable how much we have managed to keep interacting like this. I would never have been able to believe that I would be staying this late at night. Personally, am not happy that you are getting less sleep due to this.

I am concerned about you being worried and it affecting your life. You mentioned that you are trying to prove yourself. I hope you will tell me what you are trying to prove and to whom. I want to understand your question about giving up.

Finally, you speaking of Hind's pregnancy and your desire for the same also makes me aware of the expectation and situation you are in. I was watching There are two women in 'Shahs of Sunset' who are trying to conceive mainly through IVF.  I say all this because I want you to try to de-prioritize your work and increase your fitness activity. Have a fit body, will enable for healthy pregnancy, delivery and long term health for you as a mother. This should be top priority. I hope you don't get upset reading this.

So on a lighter note, I was quite surprised about the concept of you wanting to be cared in the manner of, liking to be fed etc... It is quite new to me, but am warming up to it. If it is not a one off thing but you would like this kind of play, I would also like to try to explore and extend this with you.

So all said and done. I'm hoping to meet you soon. I'm sure that will be another adventure altogether :-)

Lots of XOXOXO,

Yours Sincerely,


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