Hi :)

Hi :)


Hi all who are reading!

I hope you are all safe! I know that these past couple of months have been very hard on everyone. Mental health rates haven't been great and people are driving themselves crazy from stress, boredom and heaps of mixed emotions. There is not many ways we can help. We need to support our medical teams who are working so hard to help us and end this pandemic, but also support each other and help each other out in any way possible. This is a test and we need to come together as a community and be supportive to overcome this challenge.

As I said before, mental health is a big issue right now. People are stressed and bored with being stuck at home.


What you can do when you're bored and ways to improve your mental health:

  • Eat as healthy as you can (and regularly)
  • Get regular sleep (don't let yourself stay up until 4am and wake up at 12pm. Go to bed at midnight, latest, and wake up as early as possible. This way you will have the most out of your day and you won't feel lazy, moody and tired all day)
  • Exercise as often as possible (exercises don't have to be intense. You can do some flexibility stretches or even some yoga)
  • Communicate with people (try FaceTime with friends, or keep in touch through social media)
  • Learn something new (try learning a new language or taking up a new hobby. There's no better time for it)
  • Start a journal (write your dreams, hopes, goals, thoughts, feelings... ANYTHING! It's all up to you and your imagination)
  • Draw or colour (it doesn't have to be perfect, you just have to enjoy it. You could even try painting)
  • Listen to music (dance and sing along! It's a great way to take the stress off)
  • Read a book (It's a great way to unwind)
  • Bake/cook something (sweet, savoury, anything! It takes up some of your time and you have something to eat - it's a win-win situation)
  • Reorganise something (anything you feel like. It'll make you feel lighter, it's productive and it takes up your time)
  • Watch YouTube (you might find some inspiration on YouTube... the things you can find on there are endless!)
  • Watch Netflix (it's a good way to spend your time when you have no other ideas)

There are many more ways to spend your time that you can find online, these are just some ideas. I hope this post helped some of you.

Remember, don't let this be an excuse to become a couch potato... do productive things with your time, stay healthy and look after yourself!

This is a test and we need to come together as a community and support each other to get through this.

Do whatever you can to help each other, be supportive of each other and of our medical teams that are working so hard and putting themselves at risk to help us all.

We'll get through this and we'll come out of it all even stronger, with fresh eyes and a new appreciation for everything.

Take this time to do things you don't usually have time for.

Stay strong and stay safe! <3

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