

300 Conjunction Pluto - Moon

Positive longer-term aspect: You may want to distinguish yourself from other people by a new attitude to life.

During this long-term period, relationships deepen and grow, and penetrate to a very personal level. You become more in touch with what motivates you and drives you, as well as your deepest needs and wants.

207 Sextile Neptune - Moon

Positive long-term aspect: You are enjoying a period when dreams shall be king! You may spend a lot of time dreaming. Your imagination, by day and by night, knows few limits. You may not achieve very much in a literal level; this is more a time of reflection. You are more intuitive and sensitive. You seek peace and quiet to devote yourself to your dreams.

This is a time for exploring your creative, imaginative, romantic, idealistic, and artistic needs. You are more sensitive, compassionate, psychic, forgiving, imaginative, aware, and intuitive. These things open up new opportunities for expressing yourself creatively and imaginatively, as well as for healing. Your whims are fanciful. The trine and sextile feel more subtle and flowing, while the conjunction can be more intense and initially confusing.

149 Trine Mercury - Mercury

Positive short-term aspect: You are in fine form for completing your professional tasks, studies, and communications. Your mind is alert, and ideas come to you naturally. You love talking today, and you get your points across well. It's a good day to express yourself because you are received well. A time for being on the ball and prompt.

-122 Square Mercury - Jupiter

Challenging short-term aspect: This short transit warns that decisions you make today may be faulty, and that exaggeration is likely. Avoid signing contracts, as you are not seeing things clearly right now. As well, avoid stretching the truth or spreading rumors.

113 Trine Mars - Mercury

Positive aspect: You feel in top form, energetic, and sharp. You want to move about, go out, and meet new people. You seem to know how to express your ideas in a good-humored way, frankly, sincerely, and convincingly. Generally a good time for business with the possibility of new contracts. This is a fine time to get going on a project or for doing some studying. Your ideas are original, and you want to go your own way with them.

108 Conjunction Pluto - Neptune

Positive long-term aspect: You find it hard to stand any constraint at this time. A rebirth can happen now as you re-examine your beliefs, dreams, and dependencies. You are seeking more than the ordinary. You're discovering the power of your intuition, and creative insight increases. Letting go of dreams that are no longer serving you well can be liberating.

-92 Square Moon - Neptune

Challenging brief aspect: A bit of confusion or emotional chaos is possible but also temporary. In the hours of this brief and frequently occurring transit, it may be best to avoid locking something down. All is not as it seems right now.

71 Trine Moon - Lilith

Positive brief aspect: Your feelings are intense and compelling. You are tapping into deeper desires. This can be a very creative time.

-61 Opposition Saturn - Lilith

Challenging aspect: Time for stock-taking, be it on the professional, personal, family, or emotional level. It is difficult to open eyes that have been firmly shut up until now. You could have difficulty assuming your responsibilities, even though you feel you must eventually do so. Problems and life, in general, can feel a little harder than usual or you may feel overwhelmed at times. Remember that this is a cycle, not a dead-end, and that it makes you stronger, prouder, more confident, and more self-assured. Seek the support of mature or experienced people.

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