

for jekii

aku harap kamu ga bosen..

you know? you're the first person who truly made me feel safe and loved. you make me truly happy, you make me laugh and smile. you're the most handsome, amazing, funniest, caring, loving, sweetest boy in the whole entire universe. It's like I can talk to you for hours, days even and you would never get bored and you would actually listen. I can talk to you about ANYTHING and you would NEVER judge me. I think about you day and night. I know I could be a little annoying or a mess but you're still here for me and I thank you so much for that. I don't know how I got so lucky but I did and this relationship is something that I would never ever regret. I love you so so much and I think you should know that.
you are my home, kaya aku sama kamu nyaman banget, meski deket nyebelin tapi kalo jauh kurang aja gitu, makasih ya udah bertahan sama aku meski aku banyak kurangnya, ga ngerti kamu baik banget sama aku, sampe aku tu ga tau keburukan kamu ke aku apaan baik semua cok, makasih dah ya sayang ku cinta ku
ga bakal nyesel sih kalo ngasih semua cinta aku ke kamu, karna aku yakin aku salah orang gitu, you are so perfect, kalo aku maksa si maunya sama kamu terus kaya ngapain ya kan kalo ga sama kamu, jangan kapok pacaran sama aku ya, aku baik ko emang kadang ya gitu deh ahaha

when i look at you i feel sparks. i love you more than anything. you are constantly on my mind. all these other guys that are giving me attention dont matter to me, i want your attention and your attention only. no one else matters to me. you are all i need. i know im in Ive with you beacause when we arent talking im lost and all i want to do is sleep. when we are texting im constantly smiling. you are perfect to me.
aku sama kamu ga perlu jadi orang lain, aku bener-bener jadi diri aku sendiri, makasih udah buat aku bener-bener cukup didunia ini entah gimana lagi aku ngucapin makasih sama kamu. and i dont wish to change you into someone else, i just want you.
aku emang ga bisa ngasih apa-apa selain begini, aku harap kamu suka dan menerimanya


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