

Laura A. @ninyhashi

Divinely fair, a pearl, drop–dead gorgeous, beautiful, a peach, a child of grace, a stunner, in her face the starlike sorrows of immortal eyes. Who looked there, loved.

She won the heart, of every man she saw. They stood in line, sighed, knelt, beseeched Be Minethe perfume of her breath, her skin’s celebrity. The camera loved her, close–up, back–lit.

Adored the waxy pouting of her mouth, her sleepy, startled gaze. She breathe, the script out in her little voice. They filmed her famous, filmed her beautiful.

They filmed her harder, harder, till her hair was platinum, her teeth gems, her eyes sapphires pressed by a banker’s thumb.

She sang to camera one, gushe dat the greased–up lens, her skin, her fingernails mother-of-pearl, her voice. champagne to sip from her lips. A poet came, found her wondrous to behold. Guys fellin love to her; Laura alanddra.

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