

തമ്പുരാട്ടികുട്ടി ബോട്ട് 2.O

Common Commands:

(Works for all Users)

/play - reply with an audio to play/queue it, or show playlist

/playfrom [username/id] ; [n] - plays the last n songs from that channel/group

EX - /playfrom @username ; 50 [plays last 50 songs]

/playfrom @username [plays last 10 songs, Default Limit = 10]

/current - show current playing time of current track

/repo - show git repository of the userbot

/help - show help for commands

Live Stream / Radio Mode:

(Works for Self and Contacts)

!stream {stream_url} - Starts Live Stream from that Link

!end - Stops the Live Stream

Admin Commands:

(Works for Self and Contacts)

!skip [n] ... - skip current or n where n >= 2

!join - join voice chat of current group

!leave - leave current voice chat

!stop - stop playing

!replay - play from the beginning

!clean - remove unused RAW PCM files

!pause - pause playing

!resume - resume playing

!mute - mute the VC userbot

!unmute - unmute the VC userbot

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