

/x/ - Paranormal (Anonymous)
Hello /x/. I am in a very icky situation and because of this I am on a mission; here's what's going on.
Basically, I live in a terraced house neighbourhood. Meaning, all our houses are literally right next to eachother the only thing dividing us is a fence. Now, my neighbours are batshit insane, she is a mom of 3 children, she has lost her mind. She drinks all day, smokes, screams and cries and yells every single day. Literally, every, single, day. There were many moments where we personally asked her to stop it, to no avail. We received death threats and she called my mother a whore. Now she also hits her kids, and every single morning starts puking in her own garden, which wakes me up every single day. I haven't slept nicely for 6 months, as this has been happening for that amount, but even longer. The garden shenanigans began 6 months ago. Am I cursed? Anyways, we have multiple times called the police because of the insane yelling like someone is dying, and because of the literal abuse going on in this house. Nothing, ever, happens.
Therefore I ask you, /x/, I need a way to make her GTFO of this neighbourhood, either in a psych ward, on the street or dead as I have officialy lost it.
Are there any rituals I can do, or whatever to make her leave this godforsaken house and leave me and my family alone? Is she posessed and do I need to help her? Nothing is helping and I know only some magick can do the trick, I just don't know where to start. I have seriously lost it and my eyes see red whenever I hear her awful screaming voice (every single hour)

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