
In Kyoto in the year 2027, Naomi Katagaki, a male high school student encounters a person who is claiming to be Naomi from 10 years in the future. Together, they must change the future and save a classmate, Ruri, whom the younger Naomi starts to date in three months.

Main Characters:

Naomi Katagaki

🇯🇵 カタガキナオミ

Character ID: 142129

About Character and Role:

Age: 16 He is 26 during W2

Katagaki Naomi is an ordinary high school student and especially doesn't have any social skills. He is usually seen reading novel books, but he gets to a point where he wanted som friends. His shy type of personality had eventually made him a loner. Naomi's failed attempts garnered him no friends even in his class, except Ichigyou Ruri. After Ruri's accident, he would be a scientist trying to save Ruri by someway.

Ruri Ichigyou

🇯🇵 一行瑠璃

Character ID: 142131

About Character and Role:

She is a silent person that usually looks unapproachable because she prefers to read and be alone instead of spending time with her classmates. She is very confident and serious about her decisions which is another reason she stands out most of the time. Gradually as the story progresses, she slowly opens up to some people around her because the main protagonist Katagaki Naomi was the first person to ever reach out and trying understand her. She is also very old fashioned and uncomfortable using electronic devices like her phone.

Naomi Katagaki

🇯🇵 堅書直実

Character ID: 142133

About Character and Role:

More Info:

Started On: 20/9/2019


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