Hello world

Hello world

Andrei Pimenov

Steam is a library for interactions with Steam, it's written in Go.

Steam tries to keep-it-simple and does not add extra non-sense. There are absolutely no internal-polling or such, everything is up to you, all it does is wrap around Steam API.


  • You don't want a library to be "re-trying" automatically
  • You don't want a library to be doing your homework
  • You are an on-point person and just want stuff that works as-needed


Make sure you have at least Go 1.6 with a GOPATH set then run:

go get github.com/PuerkitoBio/goquery
go get github.com/doctype/steam


package main

import (


func main() {
 log.SetFlags(log.LstdFlags | log.Lshortfile)

 timeTip, err := steam.GetTimeTip()
 if err != nil {
 log.Printf("Time tip: %#v\n", timeTip)
 timeDiff := time.Duration(timeTip.Time - time.Now().Unix())
 session := steam.NewSession(&http.Client{}, "")
 if err := session.Login(os.Getenv("steamAccount"), os.Getenv("steamPassword"), os.Getenv("steamSharedSecret"), timeDiff); err != nil {
 log.Print("Login successful")

Find more examples in the examples/ directory. Even better is to read through the source code, it's simple and straight-forward to understand.


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