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Hello. Привет. Could you say a few words about yourself? Меня зовут Кэтлин Мёрфи. Я из Торонто, Канада. Мне двадцать пять лет. Я живу в Торонто. And what about your family members? Мои родители с сестрой живут в Торонто, мы живем в центре города. Моя сестра учится там в университете, и все они живут вместе. Маму зовут Джейн. Папу - Эдвард. А сестру зовут Джулия. What do they do? Мои родители сейчас на пенсии, но они долгие годы работали учителями. Мама преподавала английский и французский, а отец преподавал историю. And what does your sister do? Сестра сейчас изучает историю искусства в университете Торонто. How old is your sister? Моей сестре двадцать один год. Was it a difficult job to be a senior sister? У меня не было особого выбора в этом, но мне нравится быть старшей сестрой. I guess, you are a good sister. Мы считаем, что мы обе хорошие сестры. Caitlin, does your sister like the position of a younger child in the family? My younger sister was always suspicious, that the older child got more privileges. А это действительно так? I don't think so. I think, the younger child always wants to be older, and so they think, things should happen faster for them. Сколько обычно детей в канадской семье? It is fairly typical to have two children in one family. Some have, perhaps, three as a maximum. Есть ли у тебя бабушка и дедушка? No, all of grandparents are dead. Кэтлин, опиши, пожалуйста, типичную канадскую семью? The typical Canadian family consists of two parents and usually two children. The children are typically about five years apart in age, and parents are usually about thirty years old, when they have their children. Живут ли обычно бабушки и дедушки со своими детьми и внуками? It is not typical for grandparents to live with their children and grandchildren, except in the case of recent emigrants, who come to Canada, and they all live together as it's typical in their culture. В каком возрасте люди, как правило, вступают в брак? People usually get married several years after they graduate from university. So if people finish university at age twenty two, usually they will get married about age twenty eight. А считаются ли молодые с мнением своих родителей, когда собираются жениться? Usually people choose their own spouse. Arranged marriage is very uncommon. Часто ли встречаются такие случаи, когда дочь или сын, состоящие в браке, продолжают жить со своими родителями? It happens often after people first get married, that they live with their parents for some time, perhaps, they are waiting for their house to be built, or something like this, and then they will live with their parents, but it's not common for people to live with their parents for a long time. Является ли сейчас развод чем-то обычным? Approximately, fifty percent of marriages end up in divorce. Вступают ли люди в брак повторно? Many people choose not to remarry again, and they choose to live single for the remains of their life. If a person chooses to re-marry - usually within about three years. А как обстоит дело в семьях твоих друзей? My friends' families come from all over the world. I have friends, who are Italian Canadians, Portuguese Canadians, Russian Canadians, even Finnish Canadians. Fifty percent of them... their parents live together, fifty percent do not live together, because of divorce or separation. My friends have families of three to five siblings. They live mostly in Toronto, although some of them come from small cities, other places in Canada. Кто считается главой твоей семьи? I would say that both of my parents share an equal role in our family as being the head. Возможно ли, чтобы оба супруга играли равные роли? I think in my family - this is the case. Сколько лет было твоим родителям, когда они поженились? My mother was thirty three, when she got married, and my father was thirty six. Что тебе известно о твоих предках? My mother's family came to Canada after the Napoleonic wars, and therefore has lived in Canada for several generations. The roots of her family are Irish and German. My father's family is a first generation Canadian. His family came from Ireland, and it settled in Toronto. Известны ли тебе какие-нибудь выдающиеся факты о твоих предках? My grandmother lived to be ninety seven years old, therefore she was born at the beginning of the twentieth century, and lived into the twenty first. She was one of the first women to graduate from university in Canada, and was a very independent and admirable woman. She was certainly an emancipated woman. She worked, which was uncommon for women of her generation. And until the day she died, she lived alone in your own house very independently. My grandfather was a pharmacist, and he worked in a small town in Northern Ontario. Знаешь ли ты что-нибудь о родственниках в Ирландии? My relatives in Ireland live in a small city. They live on a farm, and continue to work on a farm today. We visit frequently, usually every two to three years. Как часто твои родственники встречаются все вместе? It is not often, that my relatives come together in one place. However my mother meets every year with all of her brothers, and my father meets frequently with his sisters. My family usually meets for a birthday celebration. Не на Рождество? Christmas people tend to celebrate with their own families. Кэтлин, расскажи нам, пожалуйста, о своих дядях и тетях. My mother has four brothers. Her oldest brother is a priest, and therefore doesn't have a family. Her second brother is a geologist, and his wife is a nurse. They have two children. One is a computer specialist, the other is a civil engineer. My mother's third brother is a pharmacist. His wife is also a pharmacist. They also have two children. One is an engineer, and one works in public relations. Her fourth brother is a doctor. He works in the United States and has two children. His wife is a veterinarian. У тебя очень много двоюродных братьев и сестер. Часто ли вы встречаетесь? I meet with my cousins usually two or three times a year, when everybody comes to Toronto. Расскажи нам о родственниках отца. My father has two sisters. They are both younger than he is, and both of them are X-ray technicians, and both of them are married to teachers. His first sister has two children: one, who works as a waiter, and another who works as a secretary. My father's second sister has three children. The oldest is a teacher. The second also works in public relations. And the fourth2 is a student, she studies psychology. Кэтлин, сложно ли жить в семье учителей? In a family where're lots of teachers, there're many warnings not to become a teacher. My parents did not want me to become a teacher. 'Anything but', - they suggested.

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