

How is it ?

Hello, @user1190650 That would work if you want to see the "Here is a" as well. You can test it out: echo "Here is a one is a String" | sed -e 's/one is\(.*\)String/\1/'. If you just want the part between "one is" and "String", then you need to make the regex match the whole line: sed -e 's/.*one is\(.*\)String.*/\1/'. In sed, s/pattern/replacement/ say "substitute 'replacement' for 'pattern' on each line". It will only change anything that matches "pattern", so if you want it to replace the whole line, you need to make "pattern" match the whole line. – Brian Campbell Nov 6 '12 at 13:59@user1190650 That would work if you want to see the "Here is a" as well. You can test it out: echo "Here is a one is a String" | sed -e 's/one is\(.*\)String/\1/'. If you just want the part between "one is" and "String", then you need to make the regex match the whole line: sed -e 's/.*one is\(.*\)String.*/\1/'. In sed, s/pattern/replacement/ say "substitute 'replacement' for 'pattern' on each line". It will only change anything that matches "pattern", so if you want it to replace the whole line, you need to make "pattern" match the whole line. – Brian Campbell Nov 6 '12 at 13:59@user1190650 That would work if you want to see the "Here is a" as well. You can test it out: echo "Here is a one is a String" | sed -e 's/one is\(.*\)String/\1/'. If you just want the part between "one is" and "String", then you need to make the regex match the whole line: sed -e 's/.*one is\(.*\)String.*/\1/'. In sed, s/pattern/replacement/ say "substitute 'replacement' for 'pattern' on each line". It will only change anything that matches "pattern", so if you want it to replace the whole line, you need to make "pattern" match the whole line. – Brian Campbell Nov 6 '12 at 13:59@user1190650 That would work if you want to see the "Here is a" as well. You can test it out: echo "Here is a one is a String" | sed -e 's/one is\(.*\)String/\1/'. If you just want the part between "one is" and "String", then you need to make the regex match the whole line: sed -e 's/.*one is\(.*\)String.*/\1/'. In sed, s/pattern/replacement/ say "substitute 'replacement' for 'pattern' on each line". It will only change anything that matches "pattern", so if you want it to replace the whole line, you need to make "pattern" match the whole line. – Brian Campbell Nov 6 '12 at 13:59@user1190650 That would work if you want to see the "Here is a" as well. You can test it out: echo "Here is a one is a String" | sed -e 's/one is\(.*\)String/\1/'. If you just want the part between "one is" and "String", then you need to make the regex match the whole line: sed -e 's/.*one is\(.*\)String.*/\1/'. In sed, s/pattern/replacement/ say "substitute 'replacement' for 'pattern' on each line". It will only change anything that matches "pattern", so if you want it to replace the whole line, you need to make "pattern" match the whole line. – Brian Campbell Nov 6 '12 at 13:59

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