


 You are well adjusted and adoptable.

 You are creative and artistic

 You may be restricting yourself which could be lead you to feelings of tension.

 You are open minded and enjoy trying new experiences.

 You are very determined and enthusiastic. However, you tend stubborn & have a hard time to letting think go.

 You are confident and feel comfortable in your own skin.

 You are private limited to sharing your personal feelings, introvert.

 You are good with commitment & taking things seriously. If the pressure is excessively heavy, you tend to be uptight and can quickly to criticism.

 Tidy, don’t clutter, pay attention to detail

 Ambitious & have high self-esteem

 Aware & respectful of boundaries

 Enjoy freedom, prefer time alone &don’t like crowding

 Sceptical; don’t let emotions influence you

 Intellectual; like learning new things; ambitious

 Logical; not open with emotion

 Imaginative; impulsive; act on intuition

 Successful; react heavily emotions

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