

My name is Nobody

We have ideas and aspirations as well as expertise and skills. But we are missing FOCUS. Badly!




Major deliverables in UI/UX are click-through prototypes using Marvel App. The first phase gives you wireframes and then full-fledged realistic mockups of the UI.

Specs are provided using Zeplin.io; an efficient way of handing over the specifications. Along with that, all icons are exported as PNG, SVG in various pixel densities.

The design process is a short 4-6 week design exercise; phased into strategy+discovery, ideation, design and delivery.


Strategic design creates opportunities, but the real trick is to know exactly what to design and why.

The essential Discovery mindset has three characteristics:

  • Skepticism: People participating in Discovery need to question assumptions, ensuring they’re not taking anything for granted. And if they do take assumptions for granted, it’s because they’ve actively decided to do so, for purposes of project efficiency.
  • Curiosity: People need to be insatiably curious about the domain and context of their product. Curiosity entails asking a lot of questions about things that you might think you already understand. And this is where humility comes in.
  • Humility: If you’re humble, you’re not afraid to ask questions that seem naive or uninformed. Discovery depends on a mindset where people hunger for more information, and avoid automatically prioritizing their own preconceptions.

Experience Design is a competitive advantage


Which path organizations take to become design-infused

The cost of delivering a product is no longer a barrier to entry. Quality is no longer a differentiator. What’s left? The user’s experience.

Every part of the organization must be infused with an understanding of great design. You must increase everyone’s exposure to users, communicate a solid experience vision, and install a culture of continual learning. With that, design will become your organization’s competitive advantage.

The ultimate goal for user experience is that users enjoy using your product or service. Many companies use satisfaction as a metric for measuring their success. But satisfaction is really just the lack of frustration. You should focus on how you’ll delight your users.

Building a roadmap based on product features locks you into a technological solution that may cause problems down the road. However, by shifting your strategy to solve customer problems, the user experience becomes the focus of the design process.

UX Strategy Means Business


We need to understand how design integrates with our organization’s strategy, to ensure we’re supporting and enhancing it, not taking away from it.

Integrate user experience strategy with your business’s objectives. Explore the world of business models, demonstrating the role a UX strategy plays in providing significant value to the organization’s bottom line.

Content is critical to understanding the value of user experience. Emerging business model variations for content might be the right direction for your business.


Уvery executive at every institution has basically five things that they are most concerned about. They call them the executive strategic priorities.

These five things are pretty straightforward. The first is just getting more money into the business, increasing revenue. The second is decreasing all the costs. The third is getting more new customers to participate in the product or service . We would call that increasing market share.

The fourth is getting your existing customers to give you more money for services and products that you sell. This is growing your business. And the fifth is increasing shareholder value, which is a fancy way of saying making sure the company is long term sustainable, that this business will weather whatever economic conditions and continue to produce more growth and more profit over time.

These are the five executive priorities. So these five priorities exist in any type of institution and we can take advantage of them. We can look at these five priorities and we can make sure that we are designing to these things. 

The best UX strategy right now is really about how we get strategists to work in the intersection of business and design

Design is the rendering of intent. We can design business models just like we design websites and apps. If we understand the five strategic priorities, we can talk to executives. We can find out what they need, design to that. And more importantly, we can give them ways to achieve their intention through our designs.

And finally, we really need to understand business models in an extensive way. We should not shirk away from this. If you found this to be the least bit interesting, you can come to our currently non-responsive but soon to be responsive UIE.com website because we figured out the business model for that.

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