


Let's get acquainted, my name is Igor, and I live in Russia, maybe I will not be able to competently carry everything I want to tell you because of not very confident knowledge of the English language, but I still want to tell you how this one is happening here, and in this will help my friend Google translate. So I'll start, I've been making a living for more than a year by bookmarking. Kladmen - this is the same courier, but instead of flowers, food, equipment and other nonsense, I deliver drugs.

Yes, it's me that is a suspicious type that grandmothers always mow. It's me who is the same fucker who digs in the flower beds and leaves the staf directly under your entrance. Kanabis, Hashish, cocaine, salt, methane, which I have not seen. Tired of reading the tales and conjectures that are written on the Internet about this work, so I decided to start this blog. There will be only my real life experience as a mortgage. Practice only

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