


so today, i'll tell all of you about the personality that i have and what will make you guys falling in me! here is it, salam kenal yaaa aku kathy (as you guys can see :p). jadi aku ituu sukaa banget sama chinese thingy gitu, hampir semua hal berhubungan dengan china aku sukaa, jadi cocok banget buat dracin atau hype chinese idol bareng. aku juga super excited kalau nemu yang sefrekuensi sama aku, for example if i have a partner that do fast response. so does the opposite one, i really hate dry text! i also love to do pda, like posting you at my story if you don't mind, and asking you to do a trend alias aku a little bit fomo laah :] gapapa lah yaa. i am also always <lov(i)-ng my partner everytime, aku bakal manjain dan selalu sayangin kamu everytime. tapi sadly, i bener bener sering banget ketiduran WKWK. sometimes i could sleep very suddenly, or i do dnd mode while i am watching social media. so i feel so sorry, suka lupa waktu. tapi no worries, kalau kamu spam aku atau telfon aku, i'll be right there everytime you ask and need me <3

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