Good Morning! おはようございます

Good Morning! おはようございます

My name is U(Yu). Music Experiment is my passion. I am enjoying Jazz, Bossa Nova, Fusion, Acid Jazz, EDM, House, Acoustic Pop, City Pop, etc. as far as audiences love them.

Nice to meet you all. Please enjoy music and connect with with nice people in Clubhouse.

711 requests playlist for The Lounge session:

『日本のオーディエンスの皆さん、いつもありがとうございます😊 7.11では皆さんからのリクエストをYou Tube[7.11-request]で受け付けていますので、是非あなたのおすすめの一曲をプレイリストに加えてください🙏』

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Thank you for listening. We hope you enjoy music.


From Club 7.11 Team

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