Helen Chadwick

Helen Chadwick

Dicecream Magazine

📷🗿Helen Chadwick (18 May 1953 – 15 March 1996) was a British sculptor, photographer and installation artist.

In 1987, she became one of the first women artists to be nominated for the Turner Prize. 

Chadwick was known for "challenging stereotypical perceptions of the body in elegant yet unconventional forms.

Her work draws from a range of sources, from myths to science, grappling with a plethora of unconventional, visceral materials that included chocolate, lambs tongues and rotting vegetable matter.

Her skilled use of traditional fabrication methods and sophisticated technologies transform these unusual materials into complex installations.

Current exhibitions:

Richard Saltoun, Fair Booth, Art Basel 2018, Jun 14-17

more: www.instagram.com/dicecream_mag

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